Some you folks commentating here are some cold motherfuckers.
Some you folks commentating here are some cold motherfuckers.
Fantastic, but Cena v. Laurinitis was the main event of that PPV. It should have been top of the card. Hopefully at the next PPV their rematch is at the top.
Braking Bad. No question my friend.
I love the cut of her jib.
Never know. Could be.
It an amazingly dark as fuck film. Not for everyone, but Bobcat knocked it out of the park with this one.
No problem Petty Mc Petterson.
Sounds like someone needs to build a bridge and get over it. Life's too short for pet peeves such as yours.
"Everything she does is supposed to be sooooo cute. Grow the f- up. I hate the little girl act on grown ass women."
I've seen that dork at the Castle in Tampa a bunch of times. Fucking weird does not even begin to describe him.
That's the death nail for me as well. He's just an awful director.
Shocking an abusive douche bag is also a hypocrite. In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.
Zero interest in Superman. If it flops I think it's curtains for the Superman franchise. At least for a long while.
It's in my top ten.
Sounds like your friend has really shitty priorities.
Yeah because everyone just has 300 bucks to spend on a fucking tv.
Dummies lol.
I should not have looked there. Awful people.
Good one.
Sorry for the vulgar language, but I loves my hip hop.