
Surprising no one, he's back. I'm only surprised that it happened so easily - yes, I know that Thoros kept bringing Beric back over and over again without any sacrifices (except Beric's memory and humanity), but usually there's a sacrifice involved. Although . . was it just me, or did it look like Melisandre's life

This episode annoyed me a bit. Maybe I'll like it more watching it uninterrupted, but seeing Archer and Lana one-up each other in jealousy is a little tiring - just how Lana/Archer centered episodes in the earlier seasons got a little tiring.

Maybe they looked again at the schedule, and found that it was going up against something more competitive no matter where they placed it in the year.

While it might be something more sinister with Krieger (hell, he probably wants to make robot versions of them and pit them against each other in shock fighting), it could also be practical. Sooner or later more of these folks are going to take an injury to the arms or face.

I love the whole "reverse of typical" thing going on with HBO and Game of Thrones:

Maybe trying to make big budget Terminator films is the wrong way. They could go the Starship Troopers way, and make a ton of these for $5 million each with nobody actors and do direct-to-cable/netflix/etc.


it’s possible that Archer’s so used to not noticing Cyril that it comes naturally by now.

Katy's gotta bust out the sexy nun costume and screw Orlando Bloom on the altar of the chapel in celebration (he will of course be dressed up as Legolas).

I assume it won't have "What Made The Red Man Red" anymore.

"Bievenidos! I'm high as a kite!"

I feel sorry for that movie. It was a solid movie, and it under-performed because of the leading star's baggage outside of work, and because of a poor choice in title (which they thankfully realized later on and have de-emphasized in favor of what should have been the title).

I assume that even if she didn't win it, they would have invented an award to give her anyways to ensure that she shows up.

Yep. I remembered that she didn't have much to do in Clash of Kings, but I was surprised at how few chapters she had in Storm of Swords. I suppose it didn't help that he had to time all of the arrivals in Mereen after that, so he couldn't just "make up for lost time" in A Storm of Swords.

It's more ambiguous in the books (although he does have the highest POV chapter count), but in the show . . . yeah, he's definitely the main character, and you can tell that the show preferred to spend the most time on his King's Landing storyline.

Tyrion does have the most chapters in the books so far (47), followed by Jon Snow (42), then Arya (33), and Dany (31). Honestly, I'd feel comfortable in saying those four are the main characters of the book storylines - Tyrion, Jon, and Dany are obvious, and Arya is apparently important enough down the line that GRRM

He's got to be even more cyborg than before.

I think it's because the main arc of the episode was shortened - they spent a chunk of time in the cold open before flashing back. And of course they ended on a cliff-hanger.

Interesting stuff. It looks like they're going for a serialized story arc right from the beginning, although of course the next couple of episodes will tell. Archer sort of did that in Season 5, but even then the episodes were pretty one-off-ish until the last few.

In honor of his farewell, I'd just like to say *HOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNN!*