Uh, Luc Besson? You know that breasts are not made of iron - they compress, and thus don't require boobplate armor.
I know. I counted that as not doing what Emily says, at least initially.
What? If Matt does everything Emily says, he either fires off the flare gun uselessly at the Lookout Tower or doesn't get it from Emily, and then one of the wendigos kills him when he stays on the collapsed tower too long to try and save her rather than jumping to safety.
I didn't want to do any overt spoilers in the comments, but yes. The game "expects" you to get them killed - Mike behaves like Jessica got killed for the rest of the game after the chase scene (to be fair, he saw her fall down a mine shaft), and Matt gets killed if he follows whatever Emily says for the whole game.
If they did it with a veteran from Afghanistan or Iraq, it could work. The original Jacob's Ladder itself was inspired by An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (set in the American Civil War).
Holy shit, that brings back memories. I remember a novel by Taylor Caldwell called The Captains and the Kings, about a family that was basically the Kennedys with the serial numbers filed off, and interwoven with paranoia about the illuminati and socialism. The whole thing with the lobotomized daughter was in there.
Ford loves Indiana Jones. He was a big reason why Kingdom of the Crystal Skull happened.
That'd be different. A homosexual relationship would definitely be fitting with the ancient Greek vibe of the show, although exclusive homosexuality might not be - Greek heroes were super-bisexual (seriously, just look up Hercules' lovers in mythology).
Wait, I don't get it. You said it's typical for a movie like this to have re-shoots, but then say that it's because a film (such as The Fast and the Trekkening) tested poorly?
Do they have any other siblings that are cissexual? It might be interesting to compare them genetically.
Woh, I've never heard of trans siblings before. Gay/Lesbian siblings, but trans siblings never.
Where's your headline troll-sense, A.V. Club newswire? If you had gone "RIP George Martin", you'd have a million panicky people showing up worried that George RR Martin died, only to find out it's a different George Martin.
He doesn't have Roddenberry Sr's weird "there is no interpersonal conflict in my utopian future" thing, does he?
His work isn't as impressive since the late 1990s.
They must have paid him. No way Drake just randomly shows up at a Bat Mitzvah - even aside from the potential liability issues, the guy's time is probably pretty valuable.
Maybe she's going to be the succubus from The Gunslinger, the one that eventually ends up being Mia in the later story. Calling her a "major" character is a huge stretch (until Book 6), but it would fit with the description of the character we've been given.
It’s entirely possible to imagine a different version of the game with
her in the leading role, fleeing from Ganondorf’s clutches and training
to become a ninja warrior while Link does his dungeon clearing.
The early release Theon chapter from Winds of Winter has Stannis preparing for battle against the Boltons. There is Ramsay's letter to Jon Snow in ADWD, but that doesn't feel that reliable to me - like I said, I think there's going to be a battle which Stannis's forces will win in TWoW. The Boltons are pretty…