
I remember this episode, and miss Jon dearly...

Remember, remember the 5th of November!

There it is!

I think he must be multi-boxing, and running a different log-in on 4 separate browsers on each machine... but it did take him 9 minutes, so maybe it is just an old-school one machine set-up with a burner and key spreadsheet.

Not to take away from your point, but there’s no way that fucker would ever have made it to Marine Corps O-3, let alone Navy O-6.

I always do better with my snacking when I keep counter-storable fruits in ready reach: when I want chips or biscuits, I grab that Braeburn instead.

It’s a troll, man. Hard left version of TomatoFace.

I find it entertaining in how skillful it is... and then am really torqued that it gets so many damned stars. I mean, I know the first handful come from clone/burner accounts, but that doesn’t account for his comments reaching top comment status on tons of posts.

“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”

Nothing that account types is in good faith, and it’s always written from the perspective of a complete outsider (appeals to “the leftists” and “the centrists” vice “we”).
If you look at its syntactical structures and the overall shape/structure/style of its arguments... I actually think it’s a TomatoFace clone that

that’s fucking beautiful.

Especially given that every single one of the rest of us federal employees that in any way has the ability to make a financial decision MUST fill out an OGE 450 and disclose all of our specific holdings, and then receive ethical training/counseling on how we aren’t allowed to make decisions with respect to the

I’d allow contributions, which would be coming only from the presidential salary, assuming all other holdings have been liquidated.

Not to undermine your point, but, no: no firearm ever goes off by accident. There is no such thing as an accidental shooting.

Only, during the “before” tour, they go through with blacklights and flourescein!

You’re not wrong, but, also: :(

I bailed on online gaming in 2005 for those exact reasons.

more like FUNko (Poop), amirite?!

I’m a fan of the Gospel of Biff, myself.

lol “millennium.”