
I had not yet thought about it in these terms; fully agreed.

Rhetorical Question:

Nihilist Arby’s was pretty solid for a while...

That’s not actually true.

Not to mention: does he not understand what inoculation means?!

You are correct, but the supporters of Israel shout “anti-Semitism!” because it’s an effective way (the MOST effective way, in fat) to shut down the entire debate when one attempts to, rightly, criticize the atrocities of Israeli domestic and foreign policy.

You clearly possess empathy, and very likely a measure of humility.

So, to be clear, unlike folks that believe in one or more gods, atheists aren’t making any extraordinary, unfalsifiable claims, and therefore have no burden of proof to overcome by making a leap of faith... so... like...

Hey! Linen drawstring chinos, thankyouverymuch.

you glorious bastard...

Like the concrete plan that was in place in 1962 when we chose to put a man on the moon?

Like the concrete plan that was in place in 1962 when we chose to put a man on the moon?

I largely don’t disagree, except I have repeatedly read that studies suggest that given a certain level of economic security, some members do leave the workforce, but in pursuit of further education, or to be a stay-at-home parent or care-giver, which is actually an overall economic benefit.

I think that’s less about him being a gross fat fuck, and more about shoveling more taxpayer dollars into his own coffers, even if it’s only $50 at a time.

shaking me to the point where I felt maybe somebody was hugging me”

The sentence itself is fine, and quite true.

This is the proper take-away.

And, interestingly enough, Marx and Engles (in Das Capital) predicted what is happening now with the people rising up...

No. Not acceptable.

I would argue that her politics and personal actions, which intentionally do concrete harm to others, invalidate any “real” negative emotions she might suffer in the face of legitimate criticism.