
As in commentary on not allowing the masses to even have the crumbs to which they’ve historically been *cough* entitled.

I agree with you with one exception: I not only keep whole peeled, but a copious amount of crushed on hand.  Sometimes I just don’t have enough time, and the crushed are the way to go.

I live near Baltimore. Baltimore sucks... and would continue to suck even without rampant shootings.

Also, not that we’re allowed to do federal research into gun violence or anything, but isn’t one far more likely to die at the hands of a domestic right wing extremist (terrorist) than an immigrant?

Um... I’m not an economist, so I may be misreading the sitch, but I get the impression that it was a two-pump thumping from the collapse of the oil market in the mid/late 20000s followed by crippling U.S. sanctions?


If by “sweet relish” you mean “overloaded with sauerkraut, mustard, and onions,” then you, sir, are correct!

Timestamp checks out... almost.


Also, apparently using gasoline with ethanol in it voids the warranty on my Stihl small engine products, because the ethanol destroys some of the rubber hosing and other components... but I’ll be damned if I can find high octane pure petrol anywhere near me, easily.


Okay, I’ve seen enough bad replies to you now that I have to weigh in (as a qualified naval nuclear engineer).

You know that’s how you get demon zombie raccoons, right?

TheDreadedRearAdmiral upthread put this quite well, emphasis mine:

Beto? More like BETA, amirite?!

Good discussion in these comments and I’ll just add: in my opinion, any such class should start with either Campbell’s The Power of Myth or The Hero with a Thousand Faces (with a generous heap of salt sprinkled all over the Freudian stuff).

Low-information, economically-anxious wreck-reators?

Ok, a few points:

My biggest take-away is that: I think I would want my Secret Service code name to be “Piper.” That way, in the event of an assassination, they’d have to yell, “Piper Down!”
