
I recently made my wife, who is 38, watch this for the first time.

First of all: false equivalence, unless you’re referring to stores that sell Christmas decorations AND murder protesters, man, woman, and child alike; steal land and erect settlements; deny basic resources like water and electricity and medical care to a disenfranchised sovereign people; etc., then, no. I do not shop

Please note that I in no way complained about the existence of a Jewish state. I am opposed to ALL ethno-states and theocracies, because they have a tendency to generate apartheid situations for their minority populations.

Um... so... I’m just gonna do this:

Counterpoint: Melissa’s not-recurring-often-enough inappropriate dirty talk sketches are fantastic, and she’s hilariously adorable in them.

More of a golden ass than calf, but, your point stands.  Firmly.

Initially read the headline as “Republicans Can’t Even Get Through a Lynch Without Squabbling...” and was more pissed that the verb “lynch” hadn’t been gerund-ed to function as a noun than I was surprised by the statement itself.

There’s a lot of flame-spray going on in this thread, so, as measuredly as possible:

Well, to be fair, you can’t count on them NOT to, either.

Terminology aside, someone needs to do better with making trailer decisions.

This is a good tip, and it works similarly well with large knives!

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter was a blast.  No shame.

Probably hallucinating a friggin’ t-bone...

Not to mention that “blocking the sun” might aid global average temperature rise, but it does fuck-all for the still-concrete problem of ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere which — in addition to having direct physiological effects on, say, humans — drives ocean acidification as a result of Henry’s Law.

I desperately want to love this show, because AtLA was the BEST programming of the last 15 years, BSG included... so I really hope the characterizations and plotlines are better fleshed out than in Season 1.

I suspect you mean Satanic Temple sympathies, yes?

Oh, man. I haven’t heard this idea before and... I think I like it!

Unspoken information on Average Anna:

Or a bear/shark/gaze-of-hungry-and-rabid-raccoons attack.

Now playing

He’s not allowed to have it because I’m reserving it for my own use, but: