
April feels like a long time from now.

Or at least shouldn't be payed attention to.

Scientologist Fox News hosts shouldn't be allowed to talk about anything ever.

They included The Lego Movie AND Guardians of the Galaxy AND Snowpiercer AND Blue Ruin!

Here are some thoughts on my 2014 movie experience: I've only seen 5 of these. My favorite movie of the year was probably Snowpiercer. I saw both The Lego Movie and Guardians of the Galaxy twice in theaters so I feel like I should send Chris Pratt some award. I really like Interstellar more than I thought I would (I

Yay for getting jokes!

That doesn't seem like something any movie should feel like.

When did Bert start wearing glasses?

What's the point of aging well if you do voice acting?

You seem like you would be more into 1979.

Too True.

I only discovered Wussy and I haven't really dove into their discography yet. I think I first heard them on the Sound Opinions mid-year episode.

"Lights Out" Angel Olsen (just about any song from that album really)
"Different Days" The Men
"The Weather Song" Ought
"Teenage Wasteland" Wussy
"Asleep" Makthaverskan
"The Lens" Thee Oh Sees
"Alone In My Home" Jack White
"Come & See" Protomartyr
"Uncast Shadow of a Southern Myth" Parkay Quarts
"Losing to the Dark" La Sera

Angel Olsen's is definitely my favorite album of the year. I haven't listened near as much to any other album that came out this year.

Does the Hindenburg ring any bells?!

Speaking of Lost, did you notice the Mary statue in the vehicle on the ledge? They should have broken it open to check for heroin.

Definitely not.

Some of it might have been his performance making him seem weirder-looking than he actually was. I haven't seen Prisoners but usually I think he has a bit of a chubbier face which makes him look friendlier. Also I'm still strangely skinny so maybe I was projecting my own insecurities. Either way, his performance and

I found Gyllenhaal really weird looking in Nightcrawler. You can tell he's thinner and his eyes looked really weird to me.

Q: How do you make people miss Tim McCarver?