
Fair enough.

The first fictional Edgar I could think of was the butler from The Aristocats. Not a great dude.

Has Jeter made it better or worse?

Your parents sound like dicks.

What about Raggedy Ann?

Are you saying Star Trek is a documentary?

Jell-o pudding pops!

Agree to disagree.

It wasn't until right now that I realized I've been getting those two bands mixed up in my head.

This comment was originally about her appearing to have man hands. Did you realize you were attracted to her man hands?

They shouldn't give every insufferable person on the internet a job.

She appears in the graphic.

Which tracks from Lazaretto grabbed you? I'm slowing warming to the whole album, but I really like "High Ball Stepper" and "Alone In My Home."

I agree he is an asshole, but I don't think he in anyway threw her under the bus. He basically said she wasn't really into it, which always seemed pretty obvious.

That is certainly a great line. (and I'll allow it since A Sea of Split Peas didn't get a physical US release until this year)

I like how you spelled out "Saint"

Angel Olsen's Burn Your Fire for No Witness is my favorite album this year. I love pretty much every song on it, but I've been listened to "Lights Out" and Hi-Five" the most.

But the cab driver liked the Eagles? He wouldn't be mad about me being annoyed by people wishing death on them after someone else died.

These are the worst kind of comments.

I can only think of four movies I've seen that came out this year. The Lego Movie stands out in my mind as a favorite. The Grand Budapest Hotel and Cap'n America 2 were really great and X-Men was pretty enjoyable.