
Egg salad is worse, but once as a kid I took a bite of potato salad thinking it was mashed potatoes. It was at the time the worst experience of my life.

On certain days that could be useful.

i hate potato salad of all kinds, but that kind is better than the cold mayonnaise-y kind. Honestly, I can't think of a worst food to support.

Yeah but now they're mostly dead and you don't have to be in a room with them.

If I'm going to a movie someone might bring a kid to, I usually try to go to a late showing. Of course one day this will backfire where I'll encounter a family so shitty they're bringing their kid to a movie past 9.

I hate Harry Potter because of Daniel Radcliffe. Whiny little prick…

I just want to know how everyone is watching them all. Is everyone just buying the DVDs or pirating the episodes? Are they heavily syndicated where they live? They're not where I live! I was a child during the '90's but I have seen almost every episode of Seinfeld, because it's always on TV. I've seen old episodes of

"Chode-faced Douchebag and Baguette Couple Flip Houses"

Did she already have a blender?

He worked on some drone project and then got blocked by his partner who sold it to the military. It was later revealed he had a stash with fake IDs, a gun, and cash in his camper. He also had a gas mask in his camper.

It was a bit of clusterfuck of an episode, but also entertaining. I still don't fully understand Cal or Paul's involvement. I can't wait for Rachel in an eyepatch.

I would love to see a Felix soldier though.

I still need to catch up on the last season of Parks & Rec, so I get BONUS MASLANY.

Holy shit.

They look like if Alvin and the Chipmunks were people.


He's like Pawnee's mayor. I bet he has a crazy dog too.

I think Art's made a reference to an ex-wife and/or kids?

I bought it just a couple of months ago. Great stuff.

Joe Mande?