
Dr. Phil is the scummiest of scumbags. Fuck this guy.

That R8 crash really made me cringe. How long do you think that guy had it? 2 weeks?

I love that the only car they could get their hands on is a Caprice Classic. How presidential.

It was me, back when I was young and dumb and my parents thought it was a good idea to buy a brand new 2003 MKIV GTI for me. Fully loaded. In Texas, a sea of Tahoes and Silverados. It had to be special ordered - they didn’t actually sell them back then like they do now.

This guy is such a predatory loser. This is why Southeast Louisiana is still wrought with homophobia. I am a gay man living in New Orleans, which is a microcosm of liberal thinking for the most part, but most people in the places surrounding us mostly think that homosexuals are perverts after their children. Thanks,

That house is in Lubbock, TX. It’s been a bit of an enigma since the 1970's and the setting for many a photo shoot. I wonder what Solange was doing in those’s an interesting article regarding that house:

Ayrton, obvs.

In New Orleans, all cockroaches fly. “Palmetto bugs” are an entirely different thing - in the South, they are all American Cockroaches. It’s like a minefield down here sometimes. My first apartment, on the third floor, was like the movie “Joe’s Apartment” if anyone shudders to think what that was like.

I had a friend that moved from the Netherlands to the states and had never driven before. Gets his license, gets a car (1999 Accord 4cyl) and continues on. Later I find out that he couldn’t drive at night because the car “wouldn’t go”. All this time, he had been shifting the car into neutral at night and couldn’t