
Marvel shows are hardly about instant gratification. Jessica Jones was not instant gratification, AoS season long arcs are not instant gratification, none of the other series devolves into "make up situations where the superhero and his posse kicks the shit out of random bad guys and mustache twirling villains whose

It still is the safer of the 2 approaches. Granted, cowardly may not be the right word, but its certainly not gutsy. The DCTV series themselves do not break any new ground, except maybe Gotham (the only one I can bear to watch currently). They are all about instant gratification at the expense of characterisation.

OK, having read the article, its just another example of a "journalist" going passive aggressively negative for a brand because he did not get the response he wanted, like a heart broken ex who suddenly starts seeing only your flaws after you broke up.

Full disclosure, I have not yet read the article, I am writing this based solely on the headline… "world's mightiest studio".