It's just the third law: any perceived complexity in a large, closed system (temperature must reach zero eventually) is simply the system 'finding' more ways to achieve constant, consistent value.
It's just the third law: any perceived complexity in a large, closed system (temperature must reach zero eventually) is simply the system 'finding' more ways to achieve constant, consistent value.
This needs to gain more attention. You better bet Microsoft unloaded a bunch of Windows RT machines on partners, non-profits, and other organizations.
I'm... pretty sure they could have run the same test, but dosed mice instead. Tinker with time and dosage, run a few screens and/or biopsies, boom.
So you should read up on some Asimov. The idea of going to Venus for the reason you mentioned alone was an idea featured extensively in his work - and gets incorporated into one of my favorite stories from I, Robot. The book. Not the movie, which was a disgrace and will not be mentioned here again.
"... literally fighting against the Furies on charge of matricide..."
Or, imagine an infinitesimally dense one-dimensional point. Then imagine it expanding and continually expanding in all dimensions. The Big Bang.
The inclusion of religion was not my doing, but that of the individual to whom I was replying.
And this - no one out West seems to be aware of any of this history.
I did generalize a fair bit, out of frustration, based on the second-half of the opening statement, "... we're apt to include unfalsifiable[sic] claims that cannot be tested empirically or conclusively refuted," instead of elaborating on the more interesting bit, that actually seemed to be the focus of the study, "...…
Facts are nothing without action. Religions, homeopathy, card reading, fortune telling, anti-vaxxers, and magical thinking are merely telling of an individual's inability or unwillingness to act in the face of truth.
Agree with you on all counts -
Fact: this article states what any rational individual should know - fact beats fiction every time. The only thing that seems to be change in these mind-blowing studies is the examples used.
""That cliff face over there is here on the map, so I must be standing… right here, between it and the river." That probably sounds complicated, but we'll go into detail and with a little bit of practice you'll have it down in no time."
Please, never change, Gizmodo. Never change.
This... is sarcasm, right?
But everyone knows, those are in-fact especially fashionably *towels*, which everyone knows are entirely indispensable and almost limitless in their utility at the end of the world.
Ooo... So like... A Clockwork Orange?
Easy... electromagnetic interference.
1980s PG is best PG?
It's because Birdman and movies like it are like nostalgia porn for the Academy. Look at Hugo. Both great movies, but nostalgia porn.