
Oh - I certainly agree with you on all counts. I too agree it is quite silly and do know the licensing story behind it all.

Apologies, I mean, on the actual box and branding on the device itself, it did not say "New iPad 4".

I know what you're saying, but the title Apple markets their device as is not New iPad Mini. Whereas Nintendo decided to market their device as New 3DS XL/LL.

It is rather strange, but you did hit the nail on the head with the major two reasons why it most likely was not included:

I - really am not trying to brag... but it took me about two nights of Super Smash, playing about two hours each with another human player, to level up my Amiibo.

In theaters, strangely enough, it seemed ridiculous, but halfway through I realized I was strangely touched by it all.

There was no home invasion.

"... but I do not think a solution that includes terrorizing an innocent family is the better solution."

Did I say always? No, I did not.

No, what's terrifying is that a third party created that situation in the first place.

Perhaps I did not make the more important point clear: "He will leave the house."

Sure, four-star type joints.

Or that we are simply attempting to measure, quantify, and document phenomena remarkably smaller than our current ability/tools.

If he killed his wife and says he wants to kill more, what makes you think he's going to stay in his freaking house.

Now in a double-blind test I can consistently pick out 48kHz/24-bit vs. 44.1 kHz/16-bit audio files. Without fail. 48/24 sounds deeper to me, smoother and more velvety, without any loss in dynamics.

So you added nothing to the conversation, except for noise. I will address each of your now slightly more than worthless comments in turn by paragraph number.

"So quantum entanglement gives us a picture made of photons that could never have interacted with the object the picture represents. Just FYI."

For the record, before all the grandstanding and ignorance begins: