
I think that people forget that the whole point of that part of the act was to display how strong Hogan was.

The Rust Belt: Failing to accept America’s becoming a post-industrial economy since 1981.

No. But those moments when the refs are allegedly incompetent and fuck over a team, almost always being the less lucrative franchise?

....You HAVE been watching lately, right?

You know, dude....look at it this way.

You know, you could have put a more positive spin on this, like “Team that has been doing much worse than it should be pulls out a rare win, with every last football star that they had at the season’s beginning being injured.”

Whoever greenlighted this game will be working at Arby’s soon. As well they should.

And if you’re here, who’s tending to the Big Macs?

Didn’t really need to see a picture of your mother; thanks, but I’m not interested.

You know it!

Okay, this was intended for a Ben Rothlisberger thread. I will apologize for that. But Travis Kelce being black? Fuck you, asshole, use Google. He’s not black.

....Shut the fuck up and go cook me up some EggMcMuffins. It’s not like I accused your stupid ass of rape. Way to take it personal.

Yeah, I was wrong.

It’s a problem when your Rhoomba spreads Trump supporters all over ypur floor.

Seriously...does it matter where you live? I can guarantee that whatever larger city that you live in than KC(don’t live in KC, by the by)...they’d rather you leave, and not drain off their tax dollars. White trash is worthless white trash regardless of location.

Dude, what are you bragging about? People with your logic and grammar live in a fucking trailer park.

Here’s the deal, and I will disclose that I am a Chiefs fan.

No. He isn't.

“No one gives a flying fuck about the Chiefs”—Moron who hasn’t been watching the NFL media, evidently.

Yeah. Go with this.