
I was wondering how long it would take before the Raiders would remember who they are and what their rightful role in the cosmic play was.

Let me guess: You weren’t nearly so letter of the law when it came to OJ Simpson.

I never thought that the day would come that someone could utter this sentence and not be committed to the wardship of the state.

Damn, did Prince Fielder fuck your wife?

He’ll probably be bragging about that.

You do realize that you are shit, right?

Ah. That’s still irritating.

Looks like his injuries are more serious than we thought.

A NY Times column writer makes enough to afford a 120,000 dollar vacation?

Again. Roger Goodell may as well have actively been on GB’s offensive roster during that final drive.

.....You support a rapist who looks like King Koopa.

We should be reminded of it every time that he talks about how ugly Luck and Foles are, actually.

....It’s almost like the NFL wants Seattle to win games!

After the 3 year brush with greatness, things are going back to normal. And believe me, Seattle fans...your attitudes will NOT be forgotten.

That’s cute. You think that the refs were merely incompetent.

Gotta love how the Manning/Palmer comparison that opened this piece ignores the fact that Palmer is 5 years younger.

Agreed. It was the defense that kept this from being a slaughter.

If Elway thinks that Manning not winning the Lombardi is failure, wait until Osweiler has them at 3rd in the AFC West.

The problem for the Broncos: Peyton may be broken down, but Brock Osweiler just sucks.

“I’ve paid more taxes last year than...”