
What’s more typical is guys asking questions about Jez for every story like this. Brush that chip off, fella.

Unfortunately, I reside on Staten Island, and some of the 25 zones they chose...

I’m with you on this!

If it’s on the Internet it’s free. Duh.

Ever since the rise of the internet and it became common knowledge that US Super Mario Bros 2 was once Doki Doki Panic, people have this notion that it doesn’t even count as a Mario game anymore. Which is crap, as there’s plenty of stuff from that game that has long since been mainstays of the series.

And yet solutions in every single one of the problem areas you’ve listed have been discovered through the meager funding allocated for our space program.

Surface and Vaio cost about as much as Macbooks.

“For the record, I don’t think Apple’s products are “crap”. I like them (don’t have one), but I will never pay 6x more for a product when their competitors function the same for less.”

I personally think it’s mostly that they already had a streaming music service which made apple buy them. The headphones were just part of the package deal.

How about you stop body snarking and trivializing the struggles of every single tall woman who has posted in this thread about their eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and experience with bullying as a result of being “giant”?

It’s a fair question, why the snark?

This clip from TLC’s

I mean, as a fat girl, I totally sympathize. 6’9 is tall by anyone’s standards. When you are not a “normal” size, no one lets that slip by you. And when you literally don’t fit somewhere, it’s embarrassing.

“Colored” Women Gripe About Being Negroes in New Reality Show


Spot on. I also never thought about my ED as being a way to cope with being 6’ tall at 12 years old— thank you for that insight (for real, no sarcasm here).

I think we've found Donald Trump's Kinja name, everybody.

Thanks, DM me and I’ll give you my address so you can forward the extra $1,000 for each way every time I fly.

I have to agree with the other commenters, why the snark against tall women? As though they are not marginalized enough? Or are you just incapable of sympathizing with anyone’s problems that aren’t also yours?

I'm only 5'10'' and I feel her 100% on the plane sitch. There is no single feeling as terrible as sitting in a seat where the distance between the back of your seat and the back of the seat in front of you is shorter than the length of your thighbone. That constant pressure on the knees is just so uncomfortable.