
It forces the Christian Right to face their own hypocrisy. They pass laws forcing their world view on others while passing other laws allowing them to use their religious beliefs to make them exempt from laws they don’t like. So this is a bit of ‘hoisted by your own petard’...

to be quite frank, if I’m going by the actions of their followers, Satan seems like a way cooler guy than Jesus.

So is April of 2015 to the PC Master Race what The Battle of Stalingrad and the Winter of ‘42 - ‘43 were to Nazi Germany?

I’ve been to Egypt a few times. While there, I downed a few glasses of champagne or beer here or there, but it was just fine without being intoxicated.And actually? There is zero way I would have felt safe perusing for drugs in Cairo and I am hardly some wilting flower of a woman or something.

This game easily has taken hours from my life. Between the NES version playing 4-player with all my brothers, and the stand-up Arcade version with its infinite-spin steering wheels and 3-human-player action, it’s a challenge to this day.

I think the number of people holding their nose and voting for Hillary will far outnumber those supporting her ecstatically.

Word. If you wouldn’t want your boss to see it, don’t put it on the internet. Everybody needs to vent, but you do not need the approval of hundreds of people you barely know on your venting. Talk to your cat instead.

People! This is why, if you want to live honestly online, you *need* to use a pen name and not mention the name of your workplace. I actually love my job, but I can’t help but criticize some of our programming. I can’t express myself freely if I don’t use pseudonyms for everything in public speech. This has nothing to

Never ever ever ever complain about your job on social media. Ever. Even if you have every privacy setting. Just don’t do it.

This isn’t a privacy settings issue, this is a dumbness issue. Even if she only had like two followers on her private page, one of the could have had an axe to grind and sent a screenshot to her employer. Don’t write dumb shit about your job/career on Facebook - it’s a pretty simple program.

The 40-year-old U.K. man has an extremely rare defect called penile agenesis

I’d love to see Satan’s day planner.

Clarks says she asked God: “Are you going to bless me and let me find a diamond today?”

Second display tech on iPad is really hampered by a wireless connection. Duet is a fantastic, seamless, lagless tethered option I don't regret purchasing for a minute.

Rights aren’t a zero sum game, you ass.

In engineering, there are tons of jobs listed by headhunters who don’t provide the company name, which has been the accepted business practice for the two decades I’ve been in the industry. The legit headhunters get paid by the employer, so if you ever get on the phone with one that wants to sell you on something

The F-35B. The overreach that doomed the Joint Strike Fighter program. It’s why there are so many compromises and cost overruns.

Personally, I do give it a lot of gas if I’m in front of the pack at a stoplight, because I really don’t want to drive in the midst of 50 other people that don’t use their turn signals, are talking on their phones, etc. I couldn’t care less about the guy beside me, but if I can put a few hundred feet between myself