
You can't crack open a window and lock her in the car for the 30 seconds it would take you to return the cart? I dunno, having a kid often seems like such a great excuse to be selfish and inconsiderate.

Lol! Parenting is hard. No one is denying that it’s a pain in the ass to do stuff like make an extra trip across the parking lot when your kid is melting down. Unfortunately, parenthood is not a free pass to make the entire world around you cater to your needs and pick up your slack.

I definitely don’t have angels. Putting your cart away is just one of those things that you do as a considerate member of society even when it’s not convenient for you. I have plenty of shit that is difficult to do with a screaming kid but I don’t really have a choice. I live in a third floor walk up and have to make

People are so effing lazy. It’s like those assholes that leave their shopping cart in the lot because they can’t be bothered to walk 5 fucking feet to put it back properly. Geezus! This poor kid.

As a hypochondriac with pretty severe OCD, this would be my worst nightmare. I’d have to just throw out the kid and get a whole new one.

Exactly. As a foreigner (Germany) i watch the US and it’s problems from afar and Fox News is one of these “guilty pleasures i don’t know if i should take serious or not” as i’d call it. When i first got my digital television pack from a new provider with over 400 channels i don’t need, i checked Fox News the very

Oh for the love of god go crawl back into your cave you troll. This is what everyone said when the iPhone came out, and then the Macbook Air, and then iPad. And guess what, those are all extremely popular products now that all started out at very high price points with dumbasses like you whining about how only tools

If you’re trying to say that there’s no difference culturally between a childhood/adolescence/young-adulthood where the world views you as a boy, and same where the world views you as a girl, I really can’t get with that. It isn’t true.

If you’re trying to say that there’s no difference culturally between a childhood/adolescence/young-adulthood where the world views you as a boy, and same where the world views you as a girl, I really can’t get with that. It isn’t true. I see it play out in front of my eyes daily. As someone for whom gender is and

I can’t understand female-spaces where transwomen aren’t welcome. Guess what? Probably most transwomen were born women. “Raised as girls”? What does that even mean? I think we’re moving ever closer to a world where parents no longer enforce arbitrary rules about what boys/girls can/can’t do/wear. Thank goodness. But

TL;DR We were all about change. Except the changes we didn’t like.

and i used to troll around on 4chan on occasion. unsurprisingly, there is a hoard of #notallreddit in my mentions, which i expected, and a hoard of people saying jez/kinja doesnt do this nice thing reddit does!- when i have evidence to the contrary.

it’s 4chan for people who think their moderately paying jobs make them too good for 4chan.

They should have figured out it wasn’t by a real Juggalo when they noticed all the words were spelled correctly.

Part of the problem is that Americans are generally morons. Seems plenty have been convinced that being stuck in traffic for six hours or stuck in an airplane is freedom but electrified high-speed trains are communism (due to not running entirely on oil). There’s also the usual “DURR LA to NYC HIGH-SPEED RAIL WOULD

It seems oddly hypocritical that you can fuck a hooker then bash her head in but you can’t say dirty words.

Thank you. Genetically modified foods is not some dangerous new science. The genetic modification of foods is, at it’s most basic form, selectively breeding and cross-breeding plants that have valuable characteristics (i.e large size, bright colour, sweet taste). Humans have been genetically modifying plants since the

You realize we have been “genetically modifying” our food since the dawn of agriculture, right?

They should be held liable for bad batches or failures in manufacturing process for sure. I believe they CAN be prosecuted for not following through with their own claims of what they make/doseage/shelf life/etc.... but the freedom from liability comes from those freak incidents where there was some underlying issue

One time I ordered a 4-piece McNuggets and was given a 4-piece McNugget box filled to the brim with tartar sauce.