
You make good points and those are bpd traits. I haven't watched it in a long time, I am going to have to watch it again to see.

I have bpd, and know many people with bpd, and studied bpd, from what I have seen this woman does not have borderline personality disorder.

It's great that you were able to come out stronger in the end and build up a new family for yourself.

I am really sorry you lost your family, that must have been so difficult to go through. And it makes going through a difficult time so much harder.

I didn't have access to the DSM when I was young and I found out about it from a Dear Abby column in the newspaper. Reading that gave me the wrong view on how to feel about myself as it gave a super antiquated viewpoint on gender. That screwed me up for years.

It truly is amazing how different it is from when I was a child. I grew up in the 80s, and I had no idea what to do with the thoughts in my head. It took years for me eventually figure out what was going on and even longer to figure out what I needed to do to make myself be what I needed to be.

Thanks for the reply. I'm happy you are around these parts. Especially that you are a regular contributor to jalopnik.

I do not know if you are going to see this, being it is almost a year and a half old post but I am also another trans woman. I transitioned almost 20 years ago. It was different back then, and I guess I am still stuck in that time. I have a very difficult time letting anyone but a few people know that I am trans. I

That is really strange, because my insurance is the exact opposite. If I get anything but the 90 day supply of any recurring prescription I pay extra. Have you checked with your insurance plan?

I think that too, and one of them really needs to be replaced with 3d printing, that is something that will definitely change the manufacturing process.

I have been running the developer version of iOS 8 for months on my 5 and it runs pretty much the same as 7 for me. Have you done a clean install? That may fix your performance issues.

I think they might mean that it can detect traditional SMS as they are not data, it is part of the protocol in how phones communicate. However, if you are using something like Hangouts or iMessage, the texts just go along as data and would be indistinguishable from your email or navigation.

Many programming languages are similar, it is pretty easy to pick up the basics of a new one. But, even getting 70% of a language is not knowing a language at a professional level. It is a beginner level, possibly suitable for an entry level position.

I often see this in tech, resumes that indicate that they know dozens of disparate technologies. It is very difficult to know so many unrelated technologies at a professional level, I usually throw those out because I figure they know none of those well.

I don't fly much, but the worst situation I was in was when I was flying a redeye. When I got on the plane I felt I was super lucky, I got an entire row to myself! Then during the flight, someone near me was farting profusely. It didn't make any noise, but the smell was so bad it woke me up. I couldn't get much

For $950 I would expect the port to be perfectly molded in. It looks like it was just jammed in there.

Sometimes giving the thumbs up or some other non-middle finger gesture to someone else's bad driving backfires. A while ago, some guy was driving poorly (I don't remember it was over a decade ago) and instead of the finger my friend and I blew him kisses. Well, that did not sit right with road rage man. He flipped

I am not really trying so hard because about two months ago I got into a one year contract with them. I normally do not do such things, but, since as far as I knew there were no other options I went with it. It lowered my bill and supposedly increased my speed.

I put my address into their service checker and I got an error saying they couldn't even find my address. That probably means I can't get service from them.

It's like that all over, some people have only one provider, some people have two if they are lucky. The available providers are all different depending on where you are in the city also. For example, my brother, who lives in a different part only has Optimum. The holy grail here is Verizon, I have known people to