Shark At The Moon

I think I saw the Ewok movies on the Disney Channel when I was really little but they didn't register as being part of a larger universe. So Summer 1993 I was 9 years old, my mom was out for a friend's birthday and my sister was sleeping over our neighbor's house meaning it was just me and my dad having an R-Rated

Chris Hardwick should be relegated to hosting a three hour block on a 90s station on satellite radio, instead he's fattened his wallet on a podcast and talk show empire built on the talent of people he surrounds himself with.

I saw the live action Street Fighter movie with my dad, apologized to him for how bad the movie was the whole walk back to the car and then we discovered someone had broken into the car and stolen the stereo while we were in the theater.

This is 20 years behind what SM Entertainment was doing with acts like H.O.T., Shinhwa BoA in taking pre-teens and teens and training them up to be international stars.

I convinced the group of friends I usually see blockbusters with that their nostalgia for the first Jurassic Park had repressed their memories of how bad the sequels are and weaseled out of having to see this film.


Before the age of 7 I watched Predator, Die Hard 1&2, Terminator, The Running Man and Total Recall with my dad because my mom had no interest in seeing any of those movies. My dad not wanting to see Alive made it the first R-rated movie I saw in a theater when I was 8 and my mom took me along.

When I was ten I convinced my dad to take me to see Street Fighter:The Movie on opening weekend under the pretense that we both liked kung-fu movies and Bloodsport was fun. My dad's usually pretty vocal and even gets into shitty action movies but he sat stone faced from the title screen to credits. On our way back to