
I'm shocked AVClub hasn't posted anything about the epic game of What's in the Dumpster from last night's Chris Gethard Show. #trashorcash


That's great! You're a police officer or a DA, right?

Just wanted to point out it's actually possible to think Woody is guilty, and still enjoy his work.

What's wrong with Harold and Maude?

I loved Match Point, but Midnight in Paris sucked. Self indulgent bullshit if you ask me!

I thought they were in a jazz band together

I was very disappointed. I was hoping to get the nuance and multi-layered humor expected from the average episode of Key & Peel. I feel like they've heard the complaints about Apatow films being overstuffed and running too long, so they tried streamlining—at the expense of fully fleshed out characters. I hope their…

Eat the cheeseburger astro-boy!

So great to see Tina play the anti-Liz Lemon

Titus & Mickey are perhaps the greatest TV romantic pairing. There, I said it!

I was hoping the header image would be the TGS skit where Tracey & Jenna are having dinner with a man w/ a GE microwave for a head



"Completing a tragic transformation that began the day a Community set scuffle devolved into kicks, scrapes, and, fatefully, bites"

This is gonna end up being the Community movie.

No way! Annie's Boobs as Bubbles

How are there already two sitcoms with female main characters named Mickey?

I'm 32, I think us 30 year-old's are less stable. We all had nervous breakdowns when it was time to graduate college. Adulthood doesn't suit 80's babies.

Rust is cute. He's not "ugly." If I saw him on grindr, I'd say "hey."