
How many did Mary Tyler Moore have?

Jefferson's, Maude, Archie Bunker's Place…what else?

what was funny was the look on Neil's face as he put his finger on his nose

I love that McKinley, not Ben, is the "theater kid"

I didn't think the pig chant was supposed to be funny. Neil was genuinely torn whether or not to stand up for his girlfriend or do the camp thing.

well he's the only one who can navigate those rapids!

I am unfamiliar with Chris Elliot's role in late night. Do tell.

I think the way things ultimately turned out was best for everyone

You're getting the story wrong. NBC wanted to have its cake and eat it to with Leno/Conan. In 05, Conan was getting offers from ABC or FOX to bring his show their and go head-to-head with Leno. NBC countered with their in 4 years Jay retires, Conana gets Tonight Show thing. Then when Jay was on his way out, he started

I'd say the zenith is It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia's "The Nightman Cometh"

I would totally watch a reimagined sitcom version of Mad Men with the same exact cast

Superbad is great stuff as well

Jeff is such a jolly man. Does he ever stop smiling?

My favorite ep of the season. I'd go A+ because I overrate stuff I love

Same with the Patti Pancake scene. It's an off-the wall bonkers gag…but it happened b/c Coop has a great deal of empathy for Kevin. This is a very sweet show.

The words may be goofy, but the feelings/facial reactions are real! That's a key to great comedy imho

It goes beyond Mckinley & Ben. Neil and Vic's final scene is played sincerely. Even Andy's courtship of Katie is mostly played earnestly.

No mention of pee-pants? For shame

every word out of Jim Stansel's mouth is comedy gold