
Vee's backstory had a bit more nuance than you're giving it credit for. There's an element of her fear of aging there. It's the reason she has TJ(?) shot, it's the reason she NEEDED to seize power in prison right away. She needed to prove to herself and the world at large she's not old, she's still a player in this

Brook didn't exactly creep her way into everyone's business and make it about herself. In the first ep everyone is more or less cool with Piper, it's when she accidentally makes fun of Red's cooking that turns her life to hell.

And it made her feel so alive, too!

Healy's redemption arc didn't work for you?

New TV Cliche: whenever a mean female character starts dating a politician on TV chances are he's gay

I watched the episodes in very close proximity to each other. Anything happen with Bennett & Daya in that episode? I'm wondering if they hit that point for them at all. Especially considering the ultimatum Daya gives Bennett later.

I think you nailed it.

I was pretty sure only Boo knew because she happened to see it during their family dinner. The Golden Girls may have known, but these are old ladies in not great health, who would be risking solitary or a trip back to max, totally understandable why they wouldn't be tunneling to freedom.

He did aggresivley feel up Piper in one of the early episodes. And he peed in Red's gravy

Well said. It is also very similar to how POTUS is used on Veep. We've never seen him, we don't even know his name, but he is an all-powerful force that is able to shoot down the hopes and wishes of our protagonist.

that's McNutt

Is there a way to make Top 10 requests? There must be a Happy Endings Top 10!

I loved this episode. I didn't find it boring at all and laughed the entire time. Really enjoyed the nice character moments in there, like Dennis expressing how much Mac means to him (and Mac not realizing that was about him!) 

I loved this episode. I didn't find it boring at all and laughed the entire time. Really enjoyed the nice character moments in there, like Dennis expressing how much Mac means to him (and Mac not realizing that was about him!) 

Not necessarily physical comedy, but Megan Mulally was really great on Party Down doing something completely different from what she's done on Willl & Grace & Parks & Rec

Not necessarily physical comedy, but Megan Mulally was really great on Party Down doing something completely different from what she's done on Willl & Grace & Parks & Rec

Yeah, the fist bump story is comparable to George's Jerk Store episode, and the episode where George thinks everyone is giving him the finger

Yeah, the fist bump story is comparable to George's Jerk Store episode, and the episode where George thinks everyone is giving him the finger

I asked last week, and I'll ask again. Was anybody actually offended by the Rita storyline? I think it's really funny, and @eric827:disqus explained how her dialogue was really brilliant, and makes these episodes the kind where you always notice something new

I asked last week, and I'll ask again. Was anybody actually offended by the Rita storyline? I think it's really funny, and @eric827:disqus explained how her dialogue was really brilliant, and makes these episodes the kind where you always notice something new