
I've always thought that the Wall predates the "modern" Westeros so much that no one really knows why it was built, and many assume it's just to keep Wildlings out as much as anything.

I caught the Drive-By Truckers about 20 times over 10 years spent in Athens, Georgia. They always come through town in February each year and play their Homecoming shows at the 40 Watt Club. It's been a great, different show each time.

"'Uranus” goes somewhere more interesting than the rest"

I'm usually of the opinion that Charlie Hunnam can't act his way out of a box, but I thought he was terrific in 'The Lost City of Z'.

Sad to see this column go- it was a must-read for me every time. Great work.

I know it's fun to shit on Aerosmith, but that video was pretty great.

Spoiler image in the header photo, no? C'mon guys, not all of us have time to binge watch.

While studying abroad in Italy during college, I came across the National Photography Museum in Florence. Their main exhibit at the time was a collection from Larry Fink titled "Somewhere There's Music". It was the first time a collection at a museum brought tears to my eyes. That same summer, seeing Apollo and Daphne

"Why is there silverware in the pancake drawer?" - Scrubs
"Who has two thumbs and (fill in whatever the situation calls for)? This guy." - Scrubs
"Not the cool kind…" - Scrubs
"Irrelevant. We're not having a daughter." - Scrubs

The music cues in Scrubs became a wonderful running meta joke over the years.