
“racing bagger” = oxymoron. 

Those sovereign idiots sued me 40 years ago and it has followed me around ever since. Even though the court dismissed it. I’ve saved the original paperwork since 1982 because every time I applied to a different state’s bar association I’ve had to show them the paperwork. Every time my security clearance came up

Whoaa.... there’s a video on there YouTube says I purchased. I would never buy a Transformers video. And there’s no way to get rid of it.  

15,806 NBA assists, 15 million covid assists. Definitely going in the covid hall of fame. 

Right... a thousand times! But I only have one star for you unfortunately. After Day 2 he was racing an entirely different race than the people that wanted to finish. ASO is probably rethinking the “Experience” Class right now. I can totally understand it for privateers, but not Red Bull Boy. 

I had a hand gun about a decade ago that had been recalled and was dangerous. Company that made it was out of business. ATF agreed to destroy it. I just dropped it off and filled out some form. I didn’t want someone to get hurt by it. I wouldn’t be so trusting in today’s political climate and would probably cut it up

Should have been LeVar Burton’s gig. I can’t stand Mayim Bialik and you can tell Ken Jennings is thinking he would have got that one when there’s a wrong answer in the form of a question. The least they could have done was give Coates a one week guest host tryout. 

This is simple. Here Kyle sign this waiver of ownership and we will take it over to ATF to be destroyed. Although I’m not sure I would trust ATF. Some RWNJ special agent would probably sneak it out the back door before they take a sawzall to it. At this point it’s like Hitler memorabilia to the white supremacists. 

USFS rarely asks the US Attorney or Main Justice to prosecute anything. Destroying government property over $1K would probably work if for no other reason the cleanup would exceed that. EPA wouldn’t have a crime to charge/civil case unless the Av gas got into a stream (CWA) and they could prove it. Maybe a hazwaste

ND on the Merc, but I’ll take the Cherokee sitting next to it at that price sight unseen. I know I can get that running again no matter what the problem.

It’s the Nullarbor Plain, not Nullabor. Nullarbor literally means “no trees.” If you’ve never been out there it makes a trip across Nevada look like a trip to the corner grocery. 

Right. And I’m not selling it to some red-neck. The sawzall battery is going to be tested. 

I could have lived with Gorsuch and Blackout Brett, but when Amy Comey-Crazy got confirmed I stopped respecting the SCOTUS. Sotomayor said it best, partisan hacks.” I now push the theory that they illegally seized power in 1803 in the Marbury v. Madison case. The SCOTUS should busted back to deciding cases between

Welcome to the greys. 

Sinema’s net worth 2018- $32,500. Sinema’s net worth 2021- $1,000,000.

I could pop rivet on a piece of diamond plate. But I know it’s down there and that bothers me. 

Owen- please ungrey this guy. If Jalopnik is going to continue to run bike content (and I’m good with that) this guy has depth. And he defended you politely. I had forgotten about cross chaining a bike intentionally to get the wheel off. I’ve had only 1X setups for the last 11 years.

Toyota needs to put Al-Atiyah in a hydrogen powered HiLux and get their own rules. That’ll teach Audi. Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company, Aramco, ran a hydrogen powered truck this year. It didn’t win, but it finished. It got very little attention outside of a Red Bull Dakar Daily segment. Aramco has plans to

There is nothing wrong with the long-forgotten simplicity of the six speed cogset, says the guy with 11 gears out back. However, if you’re going to show the glory of the six at least take a photo where you haven’t cross-chained it.

I went with the local 4x4's recommendation for a replacement rear bumper on my Wrangler. About six months into driving around with it I noticed that the bumper had a cutout of an Iron Cross. WTF? I went on the bumper’s website and there’s all sorts of disclaimers about how firefighters use the symbol and it’s not