
First thing they should have done (and maybe the FBI did) was get her cellphone records and see which towers got pinged when and where. BF has no standing to challenge that one. And like you say, pretty easy to get a warrant for his records given the circumstances. Even without a warrant- exigent circumstances? 

One of my pet issues about parents and bikes has always been about buying the kid too big of a bike on the theory “they’ll grow into it.” They are much better off riding too small of a bike where they can get their feet down and not mash themselves on the top-tube. 

Russian sage is great. Spreads and comes up through the weed fabric, but easy to keep in check. Fall or winter pruning down to about 6" is very easy with some battery powered hedge trimmers. Honey bees love my purple variety. Hyssop is also a drought tolerant species that adds color to the landscape and is seemingly

Right. If you reset the CEL you have to clear all the codes and drive it like 30 miles otherwise the test center will fail you. And FWIW faking your test (you can buy software) or paying someone to fake the test is technically a federal felony under the Clean Air Act. Lying to the state, because it has a federal

We can rule out alcohol being involved. Ever try to find alcohol (besides 3.2 beer) in Moab?

Canoes are even worse divorce initiators than tandem bikes. 

There are entire legal departments at all the major car manufacturers devoted to the issue of autonomous vehicles. They are scared to death. Once you have autonomous vehicles the liability shifts from the driver to the manufacturer and the software developer. Every minor fender bender now devolves into a products

That is exactly the measures used when meth heads were stealing copper wire everywhere, sometimes right out of tract homes in the middle of construction. The tweekers would burn off the coating and sell the copper. 

Smart tweeker/opiod addict is an oxymoron. Although in PDX they travel in organized crews of three. One is a lookout/getaway driver, one guy has the jack and one guy has the battery powered grinder with a cutoff wheel. They love Priuses apparently. Lifted Jeeps are a gift where they can exclude the jack guy out of his

When you beta test software on your computer the worst thing that happens is you have to do a hard reset or invoke a restore point. Here’s a guy employing rando beta testers in something lethal and we’re all good with it. I’m not. I presume there’s a legal unit within Tesla that quietly makes problems go away. Maybe

Biden is right now visiting the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, the capitol of Antivaxxistan in the west. Fortunately his plane could almost back up to the entrance to the facility. But the biggest anti-vax protest of the pandemic in Boise is going on outside on the street leading to NIFC. A guy in a

That’s what they go for around here. It’s a nice example and even has a new top. Easy NP. Like you say, treat it like a motorcycle with better weatherproofing and it’s good to go. I’d definitely wear a helmet in one of those things. Way safer than that British ex-military Airportable I had with the gas tank under my

The ELR was recently featured on here as one of the least loved cars in America. I thought it looked really nice and went on They are few and far between, but it’s true there’s about a dozen for sale right now with 50K or less for anywhere from $26K on down to $22K. I looked carefully at one in Yakima, WA,

That’s a Jeep. It’ll buff right out. 

Or just replace your lawn with a xeriscape if you live in an arid or semi-arid place. Saves me $100 a month in water bills during the summer and looks great. Got rid of my electric lawn mower too. 

That was the holy grail of bad door design and production and now you’ve ruined it. 

VA... where they’ll arrest you for merely possessing a radar detector. 

Driving while Subaru. 

It’s not permanently dark for a time in the winter except in the far north. Alaska extends for more than 2000 miles from Southeast (Ketchikan) to Utgiagvik (formerly Barrow). Even Fairbanks gets a reddish glow on the horizon for part of the day in the dead of winter. I’d go back to Alaska any day over North Dakota.

Out here in Antivaxxistan our freedumbs include: the right to drive a rusted out David Tracy wet-dream-mobile spewing pollution without the inconvenience of a government inspection; the right to camp in the left lane (in a tent if we want); the right to finish texting or posting to the ‘Gram through one entire light