
I don’t know about NZ, but in Australia they make you convert to RHD anything imported that isn’t a vintage vehicle. I met a guy who wanted a Viper, but couldn’t afford the conversion. He had a vintage LHD convertible Caddy though. Can’t remember how old it has to be to avoid conversion. It surprises me that in the

I saw one out in the wild and thought it was an odd looking Ford Explorer. 

You are dead right about simplicity. I was seriously thinking of trading my very low mileage 2015 JKU for a Bronco until I read this review. Electronic hand brake? I don’t think so. Electronic shifting among a bunch of terrain modes? I won’t be able to remember what they do without getting out the manual. No, not

The grey thing happened to me on Earther recently after years of helpful comments and never any aggression towards commenters or even the bad writing (at times) for which I held my tongue, or keyboard as the case may be. Even in the face of outright lies. I recognize your burner name here and can attest you’ve

So you took the time to go read the actual SCOTUS opinion and discover the facts (none of which were in dispute) for yourself rather than rely on the blog writer’s version and a bunch of incoherent speculative comments. And for that you get a whole two stars, one from me. In this whole string of comments I found maybe

Lange has not been convicted. He moved to suppress the evidence of his intoxication (3x the legal limit) based on a violation of the 4th Amendment which was denied and he appealed it all the way up the California chain then to the SCOTUS. It’s back at the trial court now for fact finding. Also he lives in Sonoma, so

Is there any actual evidence he was drunk driving?

Guess I’ll take my four plus decades of environmental expertise somewhere else. The writers here don’t like their bad reporting being called out. There, that outta buy me some perma-grey. 

Usually the fires don’t start until around the beginning of August here in Antivaxxistan. I think they will be starting up well before that this year. Boise, Idaho had some bizarre wind and dry lightning event last night.

I assumed his family is tied up in the outback somewhere where there’s lots of dingos.

Boise, Idaho came up with an innovative program, the orange bag. The theory was that any plastic that did not go into the regular recycling went into an orange bag you put on top of the blue recycling. It was supposed to be sent somewhere to be burnt for energy recovery. They have been wharehousing the orange bags for

78 was just fine until I lost half my thyroid to cancer. Thyroids control temperature regulation in your body. Who knew. I got rid of the smart thermostat and run a dumb one now. Most nights are cool enough and I have a very well insulated house. I can typically get by if I close everything up in the morning. Some

I’ll be at a hot spring resort in Montana this week. Soaking in a hot spring sounded like such a good idea back in February. 

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services would beg to differ.

Given the Suburban’s notoriously bad gas mileage, how much are you really saving over driving say a Honda and staying in Super 8 or Motel 6 level hotels?

I suppose there’s valet parking for under-buckets only.

It should have been a slideshow. If only there were more slideshows! 

I had assumed you’d be better off with diesel in Africa or SA. But I have read tons of adventure sport motorcycle trips through both of those continents and most gas problems can be avoided with an in the tank bag filter and gas line filters. 

Someone needs to come up with a wrap that is essentially a Faraday Cage. I don’t care what it looks like. Windows might be a problem. Put something in the tint maybe.

I am keeping my Jeep for the rest of my life. No screens. Only thing it tried to get ahold of was my contacts in order to install the bluetooth handsfree speaker. Not happening. Bought some “smart” plugs from Costco last week. Would not install unless I gave up my contacts and revealed security data I’ve set up on my