
they need lindsey stirlings video guy, the video work here is unfortunate ...

i get store bought kefir and its pretty good. higher in sugar but still good. mix in a spoonful of chia and its a great start to the day

racist or sarcastic ...

totally disagree about the reticulating display, allows for the ability to shoot low without actually laying on the ground, or shooting high and not having to guess at what your shooting, also its useful for self portraits or group shots with the use of a remote.

your low light argument is void as the fact of having an slr means you have choices of lenses, such as getting a 50mm 1.8lens @$100 and having great low light shooting ... the 16x9 argument is also void as its silly ... why shoot cropped when you can edit the photo afterward to become your 16x9 ... lastly sony clearly

Maple Bacon bar, topped with real bacon, glazed. delicious heart clogging goodness

don't you mean they are building a magical transporter which will beam them to the next haleys comet fly by

pet turtle ... does green glowing ooze happen to be involved?

pretty sure Michelangelo could answer your question

Wraith of the Titans

by number ...

for those not interested in doing it yourself ... ... i currently use the phone mount and its easily the best ive used, the price isn't horrible considering this puts your device where you can use it and holds onto it securely ...


my bank has a very convenient free for members coin counting machine, so thats not an issue for me

before the era of the nexus 7, the Chinese market of tablets was a semi welcome thing if you are a tinkerer and are fine with the process of running commands and rooting a device. many of the Chinese tablets have a following and forums from which you can get support and various roms or other fixes to improve the

seems to only be useful in areas dealing with people who might cuff you, but have no legal affiliation. so angry girlfriends and potentially that girl you thought was going to be a one night stand but now your cuffed to her bed unable to escape because you took off your shirt with special cuff links.

You seem to have a misunderstanding on what type of features gamers of the pc genre look for. Which is customized hardware to produce amazing graphics and playability that can not be achieved through a console.

im totally surprised ... i guess sarcasm can't be read unless of course in your own mind that is how you read things... none the less this is the cry baby whiner shit that is thought of when a Apple person doesn't get what they want ...

saved me from having to discuss the difference between incident and reflective light readings ...

im not sure but i think your missing something in that title, "bing is never going to ... used as a verb" if its intentional by all means go on ... luckily the army didn't miss it ages ago otherwise it'd look like this "all you can ... in the army"