
Remove Deathwish coffee beans from Kenmore freezer (sorta a device), then add beans to Hario hand grinder, finish off by using french press and tea kettle for hot water, bamboo wood spoon to stir.

and that 100% of the people who drink water die ...

ugghh... made that frozen mistake with sweet corn. Came covered in some butter sauce, it was horrible, i was just wanting regular off the cob sweet corn. Now i double check the frozen bags i pick up in case someone mixed up the veggies.

Just noticed your comment after i posted mine, and i'm quite sure that you and i are correct. cheers ...

Sometimes in a movie or tv show at the end you will notice that apple provided the gear that they are using. No reason paying for devices when you can get them for free, aside from the advertising that apple would receive. This is often the reasoning behind using one device over the other.

You are under the assumption that i haven't donated my time and money to helping the poor. Apologizing for others will get you no where, also for someone who says people find it way to hard to stop yelling at each other, you seem to do a good job of finding a rebuttal to my every rebuttal. I personally enjoy an

As a wise tv commercial for tacos has taught me, "why not both". Multiple devices in use connected to both wired and wireless connections. Anything in need of high bandwidth gets a wired line, everything else wireless. Built my home for web convenience, had every room set up with a phone line, then later replaced it

Fair enough my facts may be out of date on the situation and all of its nuances, but the heart of what i was discussing is that certain items are unnecessary to be included under items that are snap redeemable. It would be of greater value and use to instead focus on items of greater nutritional variety and value.

Never said income level was my base for a persons intelligence, your reading ahead of what i'm saying. Monetary intelligence is something that is far lacking in society, so for me to say such would be anthropologically true. If you are intelligent you know that generalizations exist regardless of whether you wish them

they do not have rights to it, being there are items such as soda, that is a luxury item. bare necessities are what should be covered, not the food items that are luxurious to have. which soda, redbull, and fastfood are all luxury items if you are getting foodstamps. anything else they need to work and earn the

like not allow the purchase of redbull with foodstamps ...

Cox internet has been quite good, on a preferred plan i average each month around 26mb download and close to 6mb upload @$55 ish ...

A few years ago i underwent LASEK/PRK, slightly different procedure than LASIK. most don't go through the procedure nor have the bad side effects (it was extremely painful to open my eyes or be exposed to light, i was on painkillers for more than a week). LASEK/PRK starts with numbing your cornea then roughing it up

Refer to this instead, thank me later, follow directions and don't expect overnight miracles.


ftfy " buying GPUs, even AMD ones, for Bitcoin Mining is the way to mine now, until ASICs are actually on the market and receivable. For $1000, this card will get you 1.2GH/s. For $274 - $1249, you can get no interest on your spent money and zero hashes for a product that may or may not be a scam in the first place."

^ this

i do miss me some veronica palmer ... wouldn't mind playing the part of mordor either

agreed and on the note of Portia, Ellen is so lucky ...