Is there actually a shortage... I mean is this really news worthy ... ? Maybe if the only place you ever shop is Amazon, but if you step into the commissary or a couple other stores you'll find these dispensers are easy to obtain...
Is there actually a shortage... I mean is this really news worthy ... ? Maybe if the only place you ever shop is Amazon, but if you step into the commissary or a couple other stores you'll find these dispensers are easy to obtain...
lol maybe it will come to pass that liposuction will become free ...
This has already been done Billy Mays even covered it ...
is moran the insult or was moron what u were going for?
Make like a tree and leave?
"dig" never left my lexicon ... when the situation fits i even use "gravy" ... not the food enhancing stuffs of mashed potatoes and fried chicken, but to indicate that something is "fine" ... sometimes you just hav to use words that let you stand out and claim them as your own ...
just to clarify ... asians who had darker skin were farmers out in the sun so if you had darker skin it was likely you were from a poorer family ... so asian families of wealth could afford to be out of the sun and thus pale ... hence the attractiveness as a sign of wealth
what you described sounds like abomination ... you want an A5 proc over the tegra2 or tegra3
iv yet to see a phone that fully surpasses my nexus one ... and based on htc building it i hope they are producing the nexus prime and would love to see it running a kal el proc in january ...
Anybody else think he could pass for a Vulcan or Romulan? Just add ears...
Jake McFarland ... might already b a pornstars name
BOOM ... Head SHOT
Not even gonna bother reading this article ... headline is plenty ... apple stay the fuck away from hulu
its out and reviewed and thus it is worthy of getting articles written ... how else will sheeple know that something new and grand is coming ?
if she smokes she pokes ...
read up on the kal-el processor ... also battery life and more cores are not necessarily related as a negative ...
troll much ... ?
so the next beneficial step to 3rd world countries and the toms company would be make toms condoms ?
agreed, if im gonna blow money on sunglasses that are expensive im gonna go all out and get something awesome, like oakleys... Juliets are amazing