
@safil: worked well for me just finished this iteration of froyo, now i just want gingerbread.

@cbstryker: also google is trying to get rid of manufacturers making custom roms like sense, on the release of android 3.0 gingerbread.

woot nexus 1 users like myself who hate waiting you can now do a manual update to the final release of froyo considering we had access to early releases since the beginning of june, read about it here and enjoy the deleciousness that is froyo...

@Technologicisback: for unrooted nexus one on tmo you can get froyo since june 1st like i did, but thats for manual installs. ota release will come later

@agentkramer: not like google advertised much or even put it in a real store and it still isn't even released over seas. possibly a different story if they didn't take a risk to be different and sold it in stores and through partners world wide.

@BagOBones: i know its a bit childish but no one else exploited it "(size doesn't matter, it is how long it lasts)"

@Nowell: when 2.2 froyo is available to the evo like it is for the n1 it will already come with the ability to turn ur phone into a hotspot no need to root