When +8,300 people have been bombed to shit, most of them were civilians, half of them were children, and you’re rooting against a cease-fire, you’re the problem.
When +8,300 people have been bombed to shit, most of them were civilians, half of them were children, and you’re rooting against a cease-fire, you’re the problem.
Missing projections by 45% is not the same as revenue being down 45%.
As a working artist, illustrator, and designer for 10 years, I don’t see AI as anything other than a threat to my line of work, and a major cost cutting measure for those who run companies. It’s essentially negating the need to hire people who posses certain skills.
See, this is why it’s important to listen to Israeli officials when they point out they are fighting “human animals” and say there are no innocent civilians in Gaza. Sorry premature newborn, you want to not suffer and die? Oh well, I guess you should have thought of that when you voted for Hamas. Sure, they were only…
What adds to it all are the blogs, YT channels, and TikTokers who make their living shitting on other people’s work with glee. Maybe I’m just getting old, but watching one team’s stillborn project become someone else’s red meat content to throw to the snickering masses fills me with such exhaustion.
If you youngins ever wanted to ever experience what it was like to play some shitty-ass N64 games, here you go.
Look at you. Changed your username, used the same stupid comment, and made your way out of the greys.
Everything Democrats do, *everything*, is calibrated on how afraid they are of what republicans will say about them.
It’s annoying that Dems would allow themselves to be bullied about children’s safety by the party banning types of healthcare for kids, and notably opposed to doing anything about school shootings.
Israel is indiscriminately carpet bombing the heavily populated Gaza Strip where there is no bomb shelters. Israeli officials have made comments that indicate they intend to commit war crimes, made dehumanizing comments (typical of them), and are continuing their ongoing theft of Palestinian land and ethnic cleansing…
While we’re blaming Iran and Russia, might as well throw China in there too. Literally any country we don’t like can be blamed for this... except for the one currently enforcing the open air prison in Gaza.
She has not said anything that leading Israeli voices aren’t saying themselves. Public discourse needs to move beyond the immaturity of “If you say you like waffles, you must also be saying you hate pancakes”. Pointing out the inhuman conditions of Palestine is not the same as erasing the horrors Israel faced during…
I swear Momoa was publicly defending her around the time the trial wrapped up, and various douche bros were talking shit about her and saying WB needed to fire her from the sequel.
I reckon there is so much terrible stuff that happens behind the scenes that the public do not know about and what we do know is a fraction of what goes on. The buck stops with management when ever I hear about ballooning budgets, to me I feel it is because of management as so many examples of wasted time and then…
Secret Service guys don’t like someone not flinching at their scowls and Commander doesn’t like people working his side of the street and giving him the stinkeye.
Talk shows like hers aren’t literally scripted moment by moment, but they do still employ writers for tasks like: picking topics; distilling/filtering topics; researching background info (to the guest: “I heard that you once XYZ”); deciding where punchlines should fall; how to mix tonality or emotion.... It’s like the…
Oh, but they WILL do more! They’ll give the executives bigger bonuses!
Garbage PR corpo-speak response to killing off people’s livelihood.
I can just see some clueless executive with their feet propped up saying, “It doesn’t matter what we do, so long as it isn’t Waterfall.”
Agile = whipping back and forth between concepts and game direction as dictated by the mercurial boss of the week.