
Unfortunately, this man was another victim of creative overwork in an industry that does not care for him one bit. It just goes to show you that we’re not in a meritocracy when people as skilled as him while promoting a positive influence are quickly swept under the rug.

This article really gets to the fundamental contradiction of this show: it simultaneously tries to bring artists out of the shadow of Picasso, but at the same intentionally puts all that art under his shadow, and does it to sell tickets.

Been to plenty of shows and even in the pit.  People don’t just shove their way through the crowd when there’s no space to do so.  Take advantage of holes opening up? Sure.  Just push through, not a chance. 

So literally phone hacking but you don’t think there is anything illegal?

I believe Miyamoto has stated that Link will never talk so the player can imagine themselves as the character. It’s no surprise trans kids are seeing themselves in him, it was kind of the goal from the start. Certainly worked on me when I was a kid.

Elliot Page doesn’t owe you jack shit and can tell as much or as little of his own life story as he wishes. You have to be absolutely delusional to call him craven

my money’s on Mark Wahlberg.

It is not hyperbole to point you out as a literal Nazi. The hateful, ignorant garbage you spew mirrors exactly what was said in Nazi Germany.

This is a shockingly bad take, not only should you be embarrassed, you should be ashamed.

Yeah, I can certainly appreciate what people have been able to build with the crafting system...but I spend 8 hours a day at work trying to put stuff together in exacting ways to make “things work.” I really don’t have the patience for spending a half hour of my relaxing time to figure out the intricacies of sticking

Even if sports actually mattered, there’s one whiny female swimmer and like three runners who feel wronged, and rightie politicians keep dragging the same four people to all their events and giving them a podium. It’s rivers of sad.

Uhhh, the fed IS trying to engineer a recession. They’re trying to put the brakes on the economy, mainly by attempting to get unemployment to rise. Right now major purchases are being driven by “I don’t care if rates are high, I want what I want and I want it now!”

I was laid off from my games industry job three months ago. Since then on three separate occasions I’ve been interviewing at a company only for them to go radio silent because the people I was talking to were all laid off as well.

I was raised Catholic (no longer), and I fail to see how people dressing in drag as nuns is at all anti-Catholic? By doing fundraising for the sick and expressing compassion, they are literally being Christlike. I dunno, does not compute. I’d also think that the tough nuns I knew would be amused and not offended.


A confused kid rock is about to shoot a nun.

To the kids in the greys wailing that there’s “no evidence” Penny did this because Neely was black, I wonder what you would accept as evidence. By “no evidence”, do you mean the fact that Penny didn’t clearly state that that was his motivation as he choked a man to death? That he wasn’t wearing his “I hate black

when you get done sucking pete’s dick can you get me

I really think the 900 seeds and the end reward was intended as a joke on completionists.

She had called the cops and reported him for stalking.

The premise isn’t incorrect. She was not available to vote when her vote mattered. She was only able to vote by proxy on votes where she wouldn’t be the deciding vote.  What good does that do anyone?