
I’m of the firm belief that AM radio is important and to be preserved. Not everyone has a cell phone, not everyone has access to reliable charging and reliable income to pay the monthly bill, but everyone needs access to information on severe weather or other disasters. Plus, as union-hardrolls pointed out, AM radio

AM radio turns any night behind the wheel into a trip.

Is typing out “Model” really so time consuming? Write it out once and copy paste it if it is so onerous. My god, keep it to the Tesla forums or whatever. And really, SV? My eyes rolled so far back in my head I saw my occipital lobe when I put it together you were talking about Silicon Valley.

Being a professional writer used to mean something.

Shitty headline is shitty, and you know it.

If you like coasters and haven’t been to Cedar Point, do yourself a favor and go. 


“hawking chaw spit out the window“

A four second Google search shows many forum conversations about charges for certain colors. Here’s one from 2005.

Yeah, I used to sell Porsche. There was always a markup for different color options. This article is garbage. Not charging for white? That may be different. But there were always markups for different colors.

In humble addition to what @lurklurklurk has to assert (and which i pretty much wholely concur) here’s one thing to try to hold in our actually intelligent brains: neural networks are reduce-able to statistics. Specifically: Markov chains. So next time someone industry-buzz-words you: “A.I.” with: ‘deep learning’,

No, they’re saying that the problems Germain has with the movie are not problems for them.

Why? These “dipshits” are just regular people for the most part. The ones losing money during these meme stock rallies are billionaires who were shorting these stocks. I’d sooner have them lose a minor fraction of their net worth to the common folk than the opposite.

The [Gaza Ministry of Health ] never distinguishes between civilians and combatants. That becomes clearer after the dust settles, when the U.N. and rights groups investigate and militant groups offer a tally of members killed. The Israeli military also conducts post-war investigations.

If Israel is intent on genocide, they are incompetent. In 2000 the population was 1.13 million, in 2023 it was 2.1 million.

Sort of both. The more manual labeling that the guys in India did, the less human intervention the system will / would have needed over time.

I would like to know where you live where Kias are not absolutely bloody everywhere. 

Here in Maine, heated steering wheel. Don’t knock it until you try it.

At least with the US, their corporate brand boot on your neck is done with a not-psychopathic “smile”, and expect you to pay your due, for “American interests.”

I’m so sick of cybertruck news.