
air travel is fine, you’re just a primadonna

what a beautiful sentiment, bless your heart

you must just not be very perceptive, sorry

no but i can use my brain to process what i see in the video with my eyes, which i’m not surprised this commentariat would note as being “strange”

Chris: mental health = gender identity. Welcome to Earth.

do i need to explicitly state that i have compassion for the guy who was at the receiving end of this guy’s mental health episode? Here - I hope the guy gets millions in a settlement.  I’m glad he’s not dead, that would have been a tragedy.

Somehow these people can watch a video of a guy having a mental episode in the middle of doing his job and immediately adopt the “fuck the police” shtick. yes, this guy did an absolutely terrible thing which could have killed someone - while having a medical episode and not being in control of his actions. It’s like

got it, you’ve only got compassion for people with the right kinds of mental health issues. if only this guy started shooting because the suspect used the wrong pronouns

not arguing that he shouldn’t touch a weapon again. guy clearly had undiagnosed mental issues and i’m managing to have some sympathy for him, while you clearly cannot.  you’re a real hardass!

how does any rational, intelligent, compassionate human being watch this video and not see a mental breakdown due to some obvious past trauma?

this....i read about the PTSD elsewhere, weird that it’s not mentioned in this article at all. almost like they’ve got an agenda.  wonder where the “mental health” crowd is

what does this mean?

probably because you’re going to alienate people whenever you have to make a decision and part of being a leader/grownup is accepting this, and those two groups aren’t going to vote for the other guy anyway

probably because of articles and websites and people like you

looks like a fantastic place to live

yes, why try to grow and improve when you can just be happy with the status quo! i bet your kids are going to be real winners

how does removing ineffective employees not achieve the goal of increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving bottom-line?  What have you done to achieve that goal during your CEO tenure?

found the guy who missed the TSLA boat and needs to feel better about it


if you use your brain and think about how jobs and companies work it’s actually not that funny that AI isn’t going to replace anyone in the C-suite