
I am 100% okay with this list. Mononoke deserves to be number one because of its coherence. Its a Ghibli film that makes its point without forcing it. Plus it actually ends with decreasing action, like a plane landing without any bumps. Which brings me to your number 2. Porco is soooo great! Underrated by all except

That’s what I did and often, when I pull in from work at 2am will just have a beer or two before stepping in the house and sliding into bed with my wife.

Of my 7 brothers, the closest in age is a year younger than me. My senior year of high school I get into a debate with a kid in history class over his statement that slavery was the best thing to happen to black people because it enabled them to eventually become Americans. After class he talks shit while I am on my

Fuck you!

That is fucking crazy. You should have slapped his ass.

You know what? Joel Osteen owns three fucking multimillion dollar mansions and Creeflo Dollar Jr. is going to get that plane to match his Bently collection. The 501(c)(3) exemption status should be revoked and many churches should be audited.

Exactly, they truly believe in the “America was founded as a Christian nation and liberals are ruining it” ideology.

This is what I wrote in response to an idiot that tried to pull that state rights and northern aggression shit:

State's have slaves.

It saddens me too. They were four little black girls, but more than that they were individuals with dreams and hopes. It is so important to remember the names. Thank you for posting them, many people only know what they were, not who.

The media does not report on this because the very serious issue of racism in this country is a subject no one wishes to discuss.

Right? Some of these fuckers are delusional beyond measure.

“Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition.”

My wife is a Registered Dietician and talks this all day. These actresses and actors claiming they pig out are full of shit. It is all for show.

This is us, and it is wonderful. Our men are targets, our women, disrespected and lampooned. What the hell can we do? Shuck and jive for those that fear we will finally act on our oppression? Why do we have to appease everyone? Even now, some media outlets are acting as if this were an attack on Christians rather than

My father started on us when we were pups. My grandfather was telling us on his deathbed. The man was dying and he was more concerned with this than saying goodbye. That hurts to think about.

So much further. Watching the news the other day was just heartbreaking. I have a ten month old daughter, and I fear for her future as a black women here in the U.S. How do I raise her into understanding that people will hate and distrust her because of her race, heritage and gender? I await the moment she is asked a

Depends, what kind of Oreos?

It was at my high school and that padding didn't really do much, but I also don't remember anyone falling into it.

That was the whining, the Players Association was all over the photographers. But in reality they are farther back than the people sitting sideline. Since most defenses like to trap sideline one would think players would complain about that since they are always flying into the crowd.