Rodman fell and in anger kicked the guy in the nuts...I think that situation was a bit different.
Rodman fell and in anger kicked the guy in the nuts...I think that situation was a bit different.
But does she really love African American studies and black culture or was that all part of the act, to escape who she was, to build a new life for herself she felt she had to truly immerse herself in the culture lest her illusion breaks apart. That is what is bothering me, all her behavior and supposed love of black…
I agree with what everyone else has said. My pops would throw you for a loop. Also, there are many different types of Kriol people, most not light. I am very good at telling if someone is Kriol or has Kriol background and your people who claim to be Creole, to me are probably just mixed with white, like most black…
Exactly, Yen is a hunch back and Triss has deformities on her chest that the magic hides. They have both known Geralt for a long time and have learned to appreciate and love his persona, loyalty and strength.
I work at a television station where we play Christmas movies all day, every day beginning the day after thanksgiving. What is sanity?
I bought 10lbs of tilapia, 10lbs of halibut and a shit load of Negro Modelo for my beer batter. On Sunday I am deep frying half of the fish, and grilling the other half and my people are going to devour these tacos. I am even going to press my own tortilla’s. On Monday I will be a pork shoulder for pulled pork tacos.…
I have a little girl who wakes up at night while my wife is at work. Suspend allows me to immediately stop the game without losing progress and tend to her. This isn’t as simple as pausing, my time with a game may be over for the day to my responsibilities. When my wife walks through that door, my attention goes to…
Do you have children, because the suspend feature is a god send for me. At night if my infant daughter wakes up during a game session, it is easier to suspend the game and attend to her needs (change a diaper, calm down, etc.). I don’t have time to save and quit in these situations. Especially if I am playing a sports…
Me and two buds of mine are catching a Kings game at Staples Center 2 years ago. I bought the tickets, another drove and bought food, the last was responsible for alcohol. He opens a tab and we toss about a hundred dollars worth of booze back. Game is almost over and he closes his tab. Our server gives him his card…
I buy it wholesale. Seriously, I love it so much.
Who cares? Diet Dr. Pepper is light years ahead in diet soda taste anyways. Diet Pepsi tastes like sweetened toilet water.
I live in a nice little condo, with my wife and our 8 month old daughter. Living above us is this couple...oh my god this couple. They stomp all over the place at every hour of the night and fucking open and close drawers so loudly that we can hear them. So we were bothered by the noise but never complained, because…
It’s so good, and does not get the love it deserves.
I always fly out of Ontario. Just a habit from when I lived in Claremont.…
Every time Paul Walker said "cuz" in 2 Fast 2 Furious was wonderful. "Pockets ain't empty cuz," someone decided he would talk like a crip every once and a while in the film. It was great.
I was 15 and my parents had no clue what games to get me that Christmas, they bought me clothes and some books. My older brother however was in the military at the time and came home on leave with all the good stuff. He game me Xenogears, Rival Schools, Colony Wars: Vengeance, Brave Fencer Musashi and Parasite Eve. I…
My daughter is seven months old and that's the only song that matters to her.
The Irwindale Drag strip has a 1.8 mile dragstrip and a great community.
LA has more venues for concerts than anywhere else I've ever seen. This stadium will not book for shit. Especially with Staples and the Nokia Theater, The Rose Bowl, Irvine Spectrum, Walt Disney music hall, Pantages, Hollywood Bowl and the Forum all within the area, and in safer parts.
Inglewood is a neighborhood, except to understand what kind you must remove the neighbor and add a "the".