The Mental Midget Slayer

I agree with them. In fact, some games did it on the Wii U anyway with autoposts to Miiverse, Deus Ex DC and Armoured Edition for two.

Achievements? For what? Having fun? All this need for validation, and from what, a machine? Xbox gave achievements for Netflix usage. Many games give them for starting the game.

I’d be walking with the thing that gets me coins and street passes. My Vita stays at home for that reason, a “Near” button, lazy street pass.

This is a cop out on their original reasoning for the mobility, you should edit tht in, because they claimed it was mobile because devs were sick of designing for two different

Nicely done.

Wow, no shit? You mean the girls I’ve given 3DS actually used them? Back, way Grandmother put me on Legend of Zelda. She owned it before I. Why do you make the obvious an issue? Damn, I play with broads all the time, although some may be the fault of some becoming Romantic Comedy-esque (FFX) and

Looks like fun.

This is a cover, they know some of us hate MP and are only side scroll for Metroid, so they smooth things over with a re-imagining rather than a new sequel in the sidescrollverse.
Still seems fun.

Were they off Watch_Dogs and other Ubisoft ones too? Because the Ubisoft sight friend list usually crossed invasions to leader boards too.

Even there, you turn off the camera and turn off the character and pick it up.

When you become a building care taker, you really learn to hate litter bugs.

Lame day, and imagine an advocate for more cinematic gaming being a voice actor, yeah that’s a business woman not a player. Right there, it’s easy to spot, nice piece of ass too.

FF XV may be better as an SNES game, the limitations would force it to be better.

Did Sony or Nintendo have an Operation “Harry Callahan”?

No shit talk about the height of lazy thinking.

4k, who cares?

I think this was a short lived Cartoon following “Real” with Egon engaging new trainies, am I correct?

In fairness this was a dark deal with a Genie.

Men or Women, it wouldn’t be right without the Originals.

No one is showing it in Canada, you have to have a computer on.

I was laughing.