The Mental Midget Slayer

No she’s a dead horse, stop beating on it.

In his defense, Walt Disney himself would insist on those jokes being serious comments. This company was with the SS.

That ridiculous Mass Effect 3 ending adaption, if you custom Shepherd’s head, part of it shows just the default look.
I imagine if we see London now, they’d be the hardest city for Dedsec to fight. A good choice for a later game.

If there excuse for what they coined as an “entertainment system” (Nintendo Console), why the draw game and no streaming services like Amazon Prime or Nutlix? Because if their excuse is “focusing on a Video Game platform,” then why this 1,2, 3 crap that is glorified physical toy play. Iwata may have put a lot

Less space on your phone too. Even if you move it to a SD, Now where they hide their .obb and spooling info, that’s curiosity.

I’d get most companies, but this is the oldest SS friendly companies.

Hardly explaining a position, if brevity is the soul of wit, then you have wasted brevity

Yes I mentioned the ‘selective’ nature of the parties, but it can’t really be about religion.

Maybe the DNC should support the Republic of Texas groups.

Big joke is Disney complaining, wasn’t Mickey Mouse working for Goebbels?

Party Hard would never have happened,

Even a rich dev would be insane to pay 5000 per game, it’s about overhead. God knows where everyone’s 100 bucks goes too. All they needed to do is require 40hrs of game play to hand out cards. That was the only issue reselling cards from a game usually only costing a buck,

EA, you invited jocks into gaming, what do you expect. Hell even a smart assed geek would have used a slur once or twice.

Define this “hate speech” in non-subjective terms.

It was always good when you had a function of a console that counted your steps, rewarded it and also allowed you to pass on bonuses to other players of games you yourself play, could have used a “add” button to that. Gave every gamer some fresh air with benefits. Too few devs did enough with it.

All decisions Government makes usually has an adverse relation to business. Although this guy hit one thing on the head, like the idea of a temporary moratorium or not, it should be re-written to not count people who got residencies and taxes. At the base minimum. Maybe not list Iran and list Saudi Arabia (since Iran

Congress has a bad habbit of even letting their enemies slide with executive orders, your right about vigilance and the constitutional factor. Voters and parties should care about voting more about who makes up congress too. Looking at you Libertarian Party, wasting time with Johnson leaving congressional seats

Poorly thought out, I guess he is targeting a first wave to negotiate with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but frankly he could have hit one of those at least for leverage. But it’s fair to say you can’t just nab Refugees endlessly. But Islamics aren’t going to feel the brunt of Iran, Bahai Believers are. Besides a

Porting Happy Home Designer to something that suits it.