
Traditionally, pay per views were the place where babyfaces would generally get comeuppance on cheating heels. The exception were the truly great feuds / heels, for whom victory would continue their dominant streak.
It works for NXT booking, worked for Smackdown booking on Backlash, but I don't expect the RAW crew to

I love that Rusev, a non-native English speaker, has mastered the nuances of American English and culture while Reigns is clueless, despite having a writing staff.

I won't believe they have children until they ask Heath Slater's wife to babysit.

Wyatt is on a losing streak against dozens of wrestlers, and yet is still a threat to beat anyone in the company. That's the power of character.

I agree that Bryan looks slightly subpar and clueless as an authority figure; it works for WWE storytelling. It allows him to fade into the background and let the talented superstars shine. Consider the rivalry with The Miz. Ultimately, it won't matter for Bryan's character, but the rivalry made the Miz huge.

That's a very good observation. By not bringing out the entire roster (or most of it) every week, there's excitement to see wrestlers in NXT. I'm excited for Bobby Roode's next match, don't care who he wrestles.
Granted, some of this is due to how NXT is produced (multiple episodes taped from a single session), but

NXT has the closest thing to the “perfect” authority figure in William Regal, and even he’s not above criticisms for his decision-making (see: Samoa Joe’s issues with Regal).

That picture with Heath Slater and the pile of ginger kids. It's disturbing, yet I cannot look away.

Charlotte started as a heel in NXT, turned face because of crowd reaction and to feud with heel Sasha Banks. She's done amazing things in the summer of 2016 with her natural heel role.

Watched NXT Takeover Brooklyn last night. Love how WWE breaks kayfabe to show Sasha and Becky sitting together to congratulate Bayley after her match. Somehow, four wrestlers across three brands still make for great storylines in the women's division, while the men's division flounders around.

How much longer before Vince starts messing up Smackdown? The B-show (and that doesn't stand for B-team) cannot be number one in the Vince world.

When the crowd cannot understand Rusev, that's intentional. He speaks perfect English, unlike Reigns.

Add in some Smackdown-exclusive titles and suddenly the show is in a good position to compete with, and possibly surpass Raw for the must-watch main roster show of the week.

The WWE should go for all out comedy; Reigns meant to complement Lana and Rusev, Reigns' English is not so good.

The WWE managed to get front page press from TMZ… and did nothing with it.

I was a poor college student who didn't get a chance to watch the PPVs. Agree that Smackdown should have gotten the cruiserweight division.

Remember watching Smackdown back around 2002-2003, when Cena and the Undertaker were awesome. The WWE needs to make Smackdown and RAW different, just like they were back then. Smackdown guys were generally a bit smaller and faster, whereas RAW had the Big Poppa Pumps of the world.

As bad as she was in the ring in NXT, the whole Nia Jax as bodyguard angle worked really well for both. Big mistake to split them up, they played on each other's strengths as a pair.

Sasha will carry them just fine, once she returns to natural her heel form. Posing with Charlotte and Bayley after a big match makes for great human moments, but she knows how to make everything about her. The Boss will be back!

Dash & Dawson are so good in the ring, and so bad on the mic. The southern drawl doesn't fit their characters at all and is ignored. Really, all they need is a line "down south, we learned real wrestling" and it will all be forgiven.