I wouldn't expect Rollins back before Summerslam, that's enough time for anyone to turn face or heel.
I wouldn't expect Rollins back before Summerslam, that's enough time for anyone to turn face or heel.
Do they need title changes every week? No. Do they need title changes more often than once every three years? Yes.
Authority type characters are fine; Triple H and Stephanie should not be playing them. Now, if say, the Miz were in charge of the Authority, that would have some mileage.
The whole Authority needs to go. Vince McMahon made a fantastic owner heel because he was a businessman who needed to be ruthless to keep his company alive and the wrestlers who worked for him employed. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon aren't Vince McMahon, and aren't convincing heels.
If the Divas match had individual eliminations, rather than eliminating the entire team, it would have been far more interesting.
Rollins wrestling skill gets lost in the cowardice act. I'd like to see more matches where Rollins genuinely wins without cheating. A champion heels needs to cheat to win, sometimes. Other times, the heel just overwhelms the babyface.
Santo, that's grounds for divorce!
Dean Ambrose solves so many of Reigns weaknesses. He's great with a mike and high flying in the ring. Reigns is a pure babyface, whereas Ambrose is a loose cannon, who is more than willing to take a DQ to get results.
The fans needed to laugh at the silly "power of positivity" before they could start booing the New Day.
If Rocky Miavia never wore that dumb pineapple costume, and was never booed by the fans, he never would have had a reason to tell us "know your role, and shut your mouth."
Every time I see Arrow, I think of Adrian Neville.
I'm so using wrestling references at the next FNM.
I wouldn't say that Cesaro is a step down from Cena. The Cesaro - Kidd tag team came out of nowhere, and rocketed both of them to stardom. We've always known that Cesaro is a great worker, he's got a great set of rivals and a reason to wrestle.
Last week, Becky Lynch came out in dress inspired by Link. Not the useless princess who keeps getting kidnapped, but the powerful hero who holds the Triforce in his heart.
Becky Lynch steampunk is so awesome because its her, and its unique.
I confess that I do not know the Tyler Breezus opponent, although I haven't looked it up.
Sometimes, I like to be surprised. Seeing Sting lost a lot of impact when I knew he was coming. On the other hand, seeing Samoa Joe in a WWE ring was a total shocker.
I thought that Enzo and Cass were going to squash Wilder and Dawson. I was pleasantly surprised to see an actual match.
As professional wrestling fans, we must never tire of the gimmicks.
I like Bliss, but I always get the odd feeling that her and Blake and Murphy are some crazy polyandrous family.
Charlotte has the same fortunate talent that her father has, which is the ability to use heel moves and still get cheer from the crowd. Ric Flair made a career out of being able to use exactly the same tactics, cut nearly identical promos, and have the crowd either cheer him or boo him with total belief.
Enzo's really been playing up his agility in recent matches. Plus, he's so, so, good on a mike.