The Black Dahlia Burger

The man being hung off of the bridge and falling into frame out of nowhere is to foreshadow Nicholas' body falling from the trees above them just in time to save the day. It's great writing, honestly.

How can they possibly even make a trailer? If we see a single character, we can cross them off of the potential death list.

Gimple the absolute madman went through with it, I'm impressed.

Abraham even had a comment about shoving people up their own assholes this episode! B R A V O Kirkman.

But you would sit up first at the very least or you'd just get apple juice all over your face.

Also I feel like it would be hard to bite an apple that someone else is holding. It's the kind of thing that doesn't really fit in your mouth so have to kinda try more than with other foods and it definitely looked like Rick was struggling for a second there.

The Wolf did body check a few zombies and yell "Go!" to Denise after he was 100% doomed, so I'm pretty sure that was intended to be his "Morgan was right" turning point, but yeah, I agree with the rest.

Have you by chance played The Order 1886?

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is so great at this.
Mac: "I'm gonna go save my dad!"
Title Card: "Mac Kills His Dad"


I'm sure the sound of the explosion helped lure them in though.

The one with #SWEAT is 100% making fun of some other dude who was bitching about his label, don't remember who though.

I feel like numbers 1, 3, and 6 could all apply to The Descent. It just does so many things right.

The way the kids and teens (or 20somethings?) were juxtaposed with each other and constantly weaving in and out was extremely well-done and very interesting.

Now he can finally go back to Always Sunny and resume his place under the bridge.

It's a jumping off point.

The actual song "Bastard" is amazing though.

He's a talented guy for sure, but he needs to just focus and refine his talents instead of going in a thousand directions at a million miles an hour. Look up the yonkers vieeo on youtube. Song's good and the video is really cool, especially considering that was like his first attempt at a video like that

That hasn't been proven yet.