The Bitterbitch

Wow. I really hope I get to use that technique on someone - a very bad person who wants to do me harm, which happens sometimes, but I usually run away scared.

The time I got throat punched it was by accident, and there is actual photo-documentation of my friend who punched me laughing while I am literally on my knees clutching my throat.

:) awww thanks!

I think you’re right. I’ve seen the drunk tape. Reese Witherspoon would come in guns blazing, but Nicole would be much more calculating. Its the difference between cold anger, the type you can use, and hot anger, the type that uses you.

What, punched someone in the throat?

YES SHE WAS AWESOME fuck you Giada

I have been punched in the throat before and anyone who punches people in the throat as a first move in a fight is deserving of respect.

Thank you for putting in the time that this must take every day. Always makes me snicker, and is especially appreciated when Barf Bag is especially dour.

lol I usually am ;)

I would have some serious questions for any man/woman who proposed to their SO in the same way as their sibling. I may or may not feel similarly about someone proposing in the same way as their parents as well, depending on how good/bad their parents’ relationship is.

Stupid and unoriginal? I dgaf if he is a prince or not, this is lame as fuck and if she had any respect at all for herself she would grab him by the ear and make him sorry forever. Like, I expected so much more of Harry. This is disappointing.

Eh. I said the same thing down thread, it’s the same vein of romantic-safari-trip-to-Africa, and I would definitely think it was still unoriginal if two non-European brothers did romantic-city-trip-to-Europe even if they also went to different countries. As far as the gesture goes, it would be very similar.

71 years old, shows signs of having some major dementia, and he’s president of the USA. Just shocking...

I only got to see it right before it closed - so It was Adam pascal as Shakespeare. But as a huge rent person that was fine with me :)

That was my rule when I was single too. Especially if they spent the first date going over in all the ways their ex was crazy, and the ex before that - first, even if that’s true, it’s just bad manners and unclasp to do that on a first time. Second, at some point, the common theme in all your failed relationships is

The way Comey was questioned during his testimony (by both D and R) also reminded me of a cross examination of a sexual assault victim. “You’re big and strong, why didn’t you fight back”/”Why didn’t you report it at the time?”/”You continued to take his calls?”/”Why didn’t you just resign?”

I dated a guy once who asked me how I went about without constantly groping my own breasts. He said if he had them he would be too distracted to ever concentrate on anything else. Honestly, how did men up running the place?

This is excellent advice I could have used at a few crucial moments in my life.

I mean, they’re just sacks of yellow fat, afterall.

Liars lie, they just can’t help it.