The Bitterbitch

This just reminded me how DAMN MUCH time I have spent either repeating myself, or crying over not being heard over properly, throughout my life. Apparently, I have “one of those voices” people can’t hear? Except when I talk too loudly or fast; then they tell me to be quiet.

One time I asked my mom to point out the man in the moon, because the craters never looked like a man to me. She told me that “there isn’t actually a man in the moon.” I asked my Dad who said the same thing. Then I asked my sister and she said the same thing. Then I cried because everyone thought that I thought there

I once flunked the spelling bee portion of some stupid footrace spectacularly in front of a big group of asshole peers because the camp counsellor reading the word had a very strong New Zealand accent and said the word “bizarre” like “bazaar”.

This is why I hate the GOP so much, their only effective tactic is to slander someone’s name long enough till every uninformed citizen is brainwashed. Benghazi is to Hillary, what dirt is to Pig-Pen from Charlie Brown.

Just make sure you don’t buy the huge bag of sugar-free Haribo gummy bears. You’ll be in more trouble than an impeachment, if reviews are any indication.

Are you going to keep an ongoing subscription? Sweeeet.

I could go for some cookies. My little girl is in D.C. on a Girl Scouts trip. Does that count? heh


Yes. At least we’ll be dead before Trump decides, as his last act, to nuke the country rather than be removed forcibly from office.

I shit you not, I have now seen a couple of either hardcore Trump supporters or possible trolls trying out a new defense. They admitted that he may have colluded with the Ruskies, but since that isn’t illegal, there’s nothing we can do about it.

I mean.... of all the times to retire...

They can always say he was never a real Republican, as plenty had been doing. Ultimately it comes down to whether his continued embarrassments are more likely to drag the part through the mud. The Israeli spy bit is probably a deal breaker for many regardless their current public position.

It was such a joke, especially considering like half the presidents before that had mistresses or whatever.

“Right before the mauling the grizzly bluff charged the individual, which seemed like a playful move on the part of the bear...”

I snorkeled with sea lions several times in Galapagos. This is almost certainly a male, judging by the protrusion on its head. The females and pups are playful, friendly and harmless. They will come into the water while the bull keeps watch from land. When the bull gets in the water, you get out. You do not mess

That first jump was a warning, and then that little girl turned her back on a wild animal. Sea lion definitely seized that opportunity.

ummmm yeah. Not playful at all. That wasn’t some aquarium trick. I seriously do not understand how people do not respect the power and unpredictability of WILD ANIMALS.

When I was in Mexico last year, I heard there was a sea lion colony (see: sea wolf in Spanish) that lived on the far side of a small uninhabited

Yep. Aggression, plus the seal/sea lion’s tendency toward mischief. They (like dolphins) have a physical & sometimes terrifying sense of humor. There are many places where people dive & snorkel among sea lions, & for the most part they ignore you, or just swim circles to investigate, or maybe nose up to your face or n

People insist on describing wild animals as having human qualities: it was cute, playful, friendly... no. WHEN are human beings going to learn to respect animals?!!