The Bitterbitch


Thank you. I will tell her there are people other than me worried about her. That will center her. It’s what she needs right now.

Oh, why didn’t this comment come with one of your epic and always appropriate gifs?

Thank you. *deep breath* I can handle this. I am woman.

My best friend, who is the child of a Canadian father and a Muslim Indian mother, has lived in this country since she was 12. She is now almost 45. She has applied for citizenship umpteen times but was rejected each time. She has been married to an American husband for 8 years and is the mother of an 8 year old son. I

Tina Fey is my patronus. That is all.

Wait, there are people who still consider themselves to be Chris Brown fans?!?! Bwahahaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Maybe I’m weird, but I dont give any sort of shit about anything going on in her life or what she smells like. I’d do. And I’m straight.

Help. I can’t breathe. AM DEAD.

How have I never heard this before? Jesus Tittyfucking Christ is now the thing I will say all the time.

Get out.

*insert Emma Watson “THIS” gif”

I’m not judging Melania other than to say she is kinda not smart-ish. I’m trying to say that the FLOTUS initiatives for girls and women aren’t happening over the next few years


I’m not blaming her. I’m just saying it is about 17 steps back in the wrong direction.

Omg still so much no. Laura Bush, even though I oppose so much of her husband’s bullshit, was instrumental in bringing back a focus on literature in primary and secondary schools. Just because you don’t read and don’t know it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.  

You. You... GTFO of here. I’m just.... NO.

Dude no. It doesn’t matter if you were born in 1930 or 2010, your fantasy literary and television heroes had all those qualities. But real heroes are, and have always been, real. Melania will not be one of those.

I disagree SO MUCH with this. I think Michelle started in motion something that needs to be built upon further. The First Lady is the ultimate woman that little girls look up to. And if I were the parent of an impressionable young woman right now, I would keep her away from everything political and everything Melania.

People leave their moms’ basements fairly frequently to follow through on things like this. Reference: shit tons of people who posted manifestos and other such rantings on social media before committing travesties toward women and transgender people and all over college campuses, in 2016 alone.