I surely do hope KD settles back in without upsetting any of this goofy magic that the Dubs have been necromancing: Stephvada Treydavra!
I surely do hope KD settles back in without upsetting any of this goofy magic that the Dubs have been necromancing: Stephvada Treydavra!
“Despite its flagrant white privilege, what makes Big Little Lies tolerable is its character development.” I’m a bit confused by this comment. We live in a world where white privilege exists so if you’re making a drama about white people and you want it to have some verisimilitude to the world its representing, the…
The one element here that’s missing is Stever Kerr’s obsession with turnovers, and for good reason. When the warriors play sloppy the games tend to be tight. When they play smart they tend to win by ten or more. So Kerr berates them about turnovers. Therefore, from a pure stat angle, it is preferable for Javale to…
And another in the 7th. Dude swings lumber.
I made that comment based on Westbrook’s play with Durant. To be fair, Durant played a lot of hero ball in OKC and he left, in part, because he wanted into a system that was more fluid and open, hence GS. I agree Westbrook doesn’t have many options on his current team, particularly perimeter players and I don’t…
seeing as how I write my blistering takes in comment section I’m clearly the laziest of sports writers. Also, Durant’s reasons for leaving were personal, fiscal, emotional, and rational. We simply can’t know why...though your reasons above are as likely as the one I suggested.
Traditionally the MVP has come from a serious contender to the championship. OKC does not seem to be that this season. Houston does (not likely but you can make a reasonable argument for them coming out of the west). I should have said “contender” instead of “good”.
Remove player: Harden
Free agent phone call: Lebron, Durant, Kawhi, Harden, Westbrook
It’s worth noting, I think, that Durant perhaps left OKC because playing with Westbrook can be frustrating. As a GM he’s nowhere near my first pick if I’m building a team. Westbrook is a basketball demi-god no doubt. But like Iverson…
Should I be that guy? Aw hell why not?
Once again the MVP question comes down to how we understand the award. If it’s for the best player period, doesn’t it have to go to Lebron? If it’s for the player who does the most for his team (and his team is really good), doesn’t it have to go to Harden? If it’s for the player…
I’m not ashamed to say it - in these dark times, we need more reporting on good dogs. It may be our only source of hope.
It’s a game, not a war of aggression.
Thought this was gonna be a post about frat boys chanting “Build the wall” in Cabo...and getting the righteous beat down they would deserve. So disappointed to see that it’s a somewhat banal piece about how to travel safely. Newflash: Mexico has some dangerous areas because Americans like to consumer copious amounts…
This. Fan is short for fantatic which is a synonym for irrational garbage belief monster which is what caused the crusades and moorish expansion, among other historical atrocities. Durant deserves fair treatment because he’s a human being. But we also know that the other tribe isn’t really human so we allow ourselves…
Our animus toward Silver is more symbolic of our inability as humans to grok statistics than it is of his failure as a prognosticator. I forget the exact figure, but basically 538 gave Trump an approximately 25-30% chance of winning. That didn’t mean he had no chance. It meant if things broke in certain ways, he had a…
as an increasingly hair challenged 40 something, this flowmotion triggers serious nostalgia from my long-locked youth. Good on ya, boys!
Ah. my reading comprehension failed me or your subtlty was too sublime or I’m an idiot. All three! Woot Woot!
Put on your favorite gray hoodie and pray to Belichick. All is possible through him.
You’re obviously forgetting the earthquake. I think that was the sports god’s attempt at killing the A’s and Giants in one fell SMOTE for their hubris and steroids. As to Run TMC (how I loved them), but they were never ever ever going to win anything. Feckless hope and high scores were all they really offered. Jordan,…
All three used to play here, but they couldn’t afford the rent.
If it weren’t for Boston’s cross-sports dominance over the last decade or so, I would proffer the theory the sports gods require blood sacrifice. For the Niners to be the premier team in the NFL, the Giants and Warriors had to be slaughtered on the altar. And for the Giants and Warriors to be good, the Niners had to…