Tim Allen Noises

I would wager a Cat 5 racer has the average life expectancy somewhere between a Qatari construction worker and an Alaskan bush pilot. Do it for those that you love, cat up.

I just imagined a horrifying image of a 12 pack of those things erratically sprinting through a street with chainsaws attached.

Graze on praise, bros.

Slow down that footage, add VHS tracking, crank saturation and bloom way up and you’ve got yourself a vaporwave music video hit right there.

GOG is like a museum of my childhood, a museum that charges $9.99 a ticket to try and fill the void of male role model.

Unlimited cardio, no knockout power; the beauty of flyweight fights. Those guys will fight like mongeese in box for hours. Watch out for those sharpened elbows though.

It’s Always Illuminated in Philadelphia


Big Zam is only Zam.

I want leaked footage of a factory beet farm where underpaid workers are punting them into cramped containers. That’s the only way that product is going to taste good for me.

and Barbados Slim

Legalize PEDs

Na Na...

They are just producing more Pokemon to keep up with inflation. At this rate, we may be using new character model concept art as wallpaper or kindling.

See you down in Arizona Bay

Sounds similar to the premise of the His Dark Materials series.

Nothing in podcast form, unfortunately. The only thing close is the “Great Courses” series of audiobooks that I’ll check out from the library. They are presented in a lecture format and sometimes the topic may be interesting but the professor is a dud of a speaker (not a problem with Carlin; I could listen to him read

I’m stuck in the same boat. Have you found anything as enjoyable as HH?

Expand your collection and use them to build a bunker. As the only surviving member of the human race, I hope you remember us for our good qualities.

*flies through open window*