
That’s not a fox body. You’ve now angered the Mustang crowd. You should go into the witness protection program ASAP.

It would drive me crazy to own a car that drew so much attention.

my parents taught me and my 2 brothers to never own a stickshift, they said we’d hate it, it’s too much work. they never taught us about engine braking.

You may save a marginal percentage more fuel by coasting, but why would you? You have less control, and in most states, it’s illegal to coast in neutral.

Most cars since the advent of electronic fuel injection cut fuel flow while under a engine braking/negative load scenario. For visual reference, if you’ve ever been in a car that displays “instant” fuel mileage, you’ll typically see the display go to 99.9 as the injectors aren’t firing.

> I imagine, though, that people aren’t downloading this mod because they’re aesthetic purists. They want to stick it to the man, and this feels like a tiny middle finger they can deploy at will.

I had to have a tranny rebuild after hitting a small chunk of concrete (size of a pineapple). I was in 4th gear when I hit it and realized I shouldn’t shift into 5th. The debris hit the transmission housing and bent the shift shaft. Transmission fluid was leaking out the seal and I knew it was going to be over $1K

Look at it this way. It costs me X to produce a 75D. If I wanted to make a 60D, it would cost me more money and time in manufacturing to make 2 separate models/battery packs than is worth it. Instead, I’ll just make more 75Ds and software limit a few and sell them at a loss (the actual 60D) to bring people into the

This does sound lame, but it’s not quite “pay $0.99 to make Mario jump higher” bad. I do see why some would look at this as Bungie monetizing a player’s individuality, but I don’t completely understand paying actual money for cosmetics anyways. I’m not the avatar, I’m the guy sitting in front of a TV display diddling

It amazes me how many little things they didn’t change for the sequel.

I don’t mind cosmetic micro-transactions if they help developers continue to make good games, but I have problems with how they implement it.

Honestly, its been really gross watching companies try to push the line a little bit each time. This is a real problem that needs to be dealt with before it kills the industry.

Plaintiff must realize he cannot treat well-settled law and undisputed facts like the women in his videos; they will not change simply because Plaintiff is persistent and impervious to their hostility.

Glad to see the good guys win for once. This might help save a lot of others who are facing suits just like this.

Here’s what I took away from this article:

Another teacher seconding this. If you are considering installing this on your kid’s phone, please DO NOT use it during school hours! You can contact the main office if you need to reach your child ASAP.

As a teacher, want to know the worst thing about cell phones in schools? It’s the parents. It’s not the kids taking selfies in the hallways. They accidentally walk into a mullian and learn their lesson. It’s not even them ordering pizza for lunch on apps. It’s the parents that constantly text their kids about every