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I don’t expect the media to their jobs and point out that the current occupant of the Oval Office was and has been the inspiration for not some but all the violence carried out in places of worship and on the streets of not just The United States.

Main Mane?

How about calling him BLACK Mane?

I know TI just mad he didn’t have Iggy Azalea in that when she was “rapping” about being a slavemaster.

This boycott social media bare minimum effort is the closest example I’ve seen of “outrage culture” that everyone purports to exist because this shouldn’t be news. Gucci has been racist since Gucci was founded.

“Part turtleneck, part ski mask, BUT MAKE IT RACIST”

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him. 

This looks amazing! I’m guessing that the Tethered are either some supernatural monsters (possibly related to the trauma that Lupita’s character experienced when she was younger) or it’s an experiment gone awry. (Those scenes with the rabbits look like they’re in a laboratory.) Or....maybe it’s both. Dun dun dun.

You know how we as black people go to scary movies and yell at the screen, “WHY YOU GO IN THERE? NO! HE THE KILLER! RUUUN! IF THAT WAS ME I’D blaseblaseblase...”

Wow. Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you seem to have really missed the mark here.

This is a terrible review Rich. The movie is a beautiful and powerful allegorical tale about post-partum depression, with a message about the power of hope to overcome depression even under the darkest of isolating circumstances. The subject matter isn’t something I’ve ever seen addressed before this well. The deamons

The folks who took the photos after you waved your rights to them, I imagine.

Jezebel’s Politics is flatlining. I have no idea why the invasive technology this site uses to sell me shit is more morally self-aware than Taylor Swift’s attempt to try and save her own fucking life.

I do not understand why we need to worry about Hart’s redemption, or Louis CK, or Al Franken, or Matt Laurer or any other recent asshat.

I get you man, I love that burn. Vapes always leave me with like...a moist feeling? Like when you get water up your nose and your brain kinda hurts?

It tastes great, but I also love the taste of death and hellfire that comes from a smoke as well.

fuck .fuck i love smoking. goddamnit I will never be able to quit.

We. Can’t. Have. Shit. 

No. Home girl has been on tv for years and does very well for herself. All this before she even met him.

Let’s just remember that he has a valuable legacy that I can’t just throw away. I remember that he’s the first black man to ever win an Emmy in television. I also remember that he’s the first guy to make a cartoon with black characters where their lips and noses were drawn proportionately. I remember that he had a

thanks for the article. The more I learn, the more I understand that there are simply some things in life that I may never be capable of understanding.

So what race are you choosing to be today?

BILL O’REILLY said that?! Jesus, now I know I’m in fucking Bizarro World.